And Then There Was One


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 31, 2007
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So my LS finally got picked up today...

It is being taken to a salvage/auction yard. Now I only have my parts car which is gutted. I have a few questions and need a few opinions, and I know how your guys like to give your opinions...

So I have the parts car and everything I need to put my original LS back together. Should I see if I can pick up my LS from the auction for cheap and then just take my time putting it back together? I owe like $17K....don't ask...

If I got it from the auction I would own it outright and have everything needed to put it back together. I personally think it would be worth it if I could get the car for less than $1,000 and then put it back together. With the money I'd need to spend to get it in shape it would have cost me about $6,000 which includes the amount paid on it so far, plus the cost of buying it back, plus putting the new engine in. Also, I know this car inside and out. The car is in great shape except for the engine.

Go for it or lost cause?

P.S. I want to get the wheel back on my parts car so I can move it more easily. I'm not exactly sure what part I need. The upper and lower control arm seem ok enough(mind you I won't be driving it on this set up) but what is the hub or whatever in between? Because that is the part that snapped when the car was crashed.

First picture:
My parts car all where my LS left its exhaust...

The rest of the pictures:
My 2002 LS on the flat bed along with the engine. Off to auction....LOL...see if anyone wants and LS in THAT condition...

BTW, the site is if any of you guys have some money and free time. They have all kinds of vehicles, some damaged some are fine. You could get a cheap vehicle, who knows.




Yeah that is definitely what I am thinking if I can get it back on the cheap. Plus, then I can also take my time and make sure everything is in good working order as I put it back together and possibly have it running again by the winter or next summer.
Hold on, you have 1000 bucks but your car just got repo'd?
but he still owes the money even without the car and now has no credit
I guess my vote is buy that car back for cheap....then file bankruptcy.
Hold on, you have 1000 bucks but your car just got repo'd?

Not only that but he evidently had money to buy a parts LS but not money to make his car payment.

OP, I have to ask - are you responsible for that black striping down the side of the repo'd LS?
yes he is

And I would of suggested getting a used LS for 3-4k which is what? a 2000-2002 model?
Ok, I said don't ask but since it has come up so much then here we go.

First of all, yes, I did put that stripe on the car! I actually really like the way it looks. Now it could have been installed much cleaner but I get it put on for very cheap.

No I don't currently have $1000 laying around that I could throw at payments. If I could get the car back for less than than that where I would own it outright and I have all of the parts to put it back together then I think it would be nice to finally have a car worth $5-6k with no lean on it.

Now, as for the car getting repossessed, here is what's up with that. I had started a business less than 2 months before my car broke. I managed to get enough cash together to get the parts car so I could fix mine and keep driving it. So while starting a new business, working a "full-time" (30-35hrs/week), and trying to fix my LS my business partner decides he won't keep up his end of the bargain. So with me having to pump all I make into my business I had to choose between keeping my business open and running (asset) or letting it close and pay for my broken LS (liability). So obviously I let the LS go, on which I still owe a ridiculous amount of money anyway. Would you honestly keep a broken car that has a loan against it for more than 2.5 times what it's worth when it IS in good working order? Probably not. Is it irresponsible? Yes. I shouldn't have gotten this car in the first place. The reason the loan is so much is because I also had almost $4k rolled in from my previous car loan and I had an outrageous interest rate. For whoever mentioned bankruptcy, it is something I am considering personally so that I can start over and get rid of all of this stuff from my past mistakes.

To wrap this up. I was very financially irresponsible and stupid in the past but I have made a conscious effort to learn about money, manage it properly, how to let it work to my advantage and live within my means. I don't plan on getting any new car loans any time soon....
best of luck with your bussiness bro, I know how hard it is in this work of self-employment...though I enjoy doing massage on my own it is good to have someone as back-up or for doing paperwork......

then again under the table massages for 60bucks per hour ain't bad either :p
best of luck with your bussiness bro, I know how hard it is in this work of self-employment...though I enjoy doing massage on my own it is good to have someone as back-up or for doing paperwork......

then again under the table massages for 60bucks per hour ain't bad either :p

You do massage? Cool. My business is a computer store and I still work full-time.

Oh and just to add some flair to this thread can you put up a fail poster? Actually it had better be an EPIC FAIL poster. One that we haven't seen before if you can.

You do massage? Cool. My business is a computer store and I still work full-time.

Oh and just to add some flair to this thread can you put up a fail poster? Actually it had better be an EPIC FAIL poster. One that we haven't seen before if you can.


this make you happy! My first DIY de-motivational poster

and just for fun....

Lincoln LS Fail.jpg

OMG I almost died. Right after I asked you to get me one I've never seen before I was wondering why you didn't make these yourself. I would have to say your first one is a SUCCESS!

Seen the failboat, lame.

Epic fail, love it! Make sure it gets added to one of those site where you get all of those other ones from. I want to see that poster in the future and be able to say proudly "that was MY car!". I think I am obligated to put it on my facebook too!...
lol. how many seahawks get those? :lol:

No Seahawks anymore, do'nt work for my previous employer anymore. I work for a chiropractor, a spa, and do my own massage business on the side. good ol' 50-60hr weeks but only cause it's slow at the chiropractor's office (I think he scares ppl) lol

Btw here's 2 more posters for the books!

Lincoln LS Fail3.jpg

Lincoln LS Fail2.jpg
OMG I almost died. Right after I asked you to get me one I've never seen before I was wondering why you didn't make these yourself. I would have to say your first one is a SUCCESS!

Seen the failboat, lame.

Epic fail, love it! Make sure it gets added to one of those site where you get all of those other ones from. I want to see that poster in the future and be able to say proudly "that was MY car!". I think I am obligated to put it on my facebook too!...

Put it on my facebook too :-D
Nice! No so sure about the burn on my stripe. Why doesn't anyone like that thing? Guess it's just my own personal liking.
Nice! No so sure about the burn on my stripe. Why doesn't anyone like that thing? Guess it's just my own personal liking.

I like the stripe just I wanted to target anything in the photo or get different people to get a chickle.

C'mon I'm sure a few people (Like Chadly) find the REPO guy's all in good fun :-D
I like to make people laugh too!

I know a lot of the guys on the forum will love this one.

Epic Fail.jpg
:-D Welcome to my trolling world :-D

I have contributed stress relief by letting people try and take their stress out with targeting me :-D fun fun fun haha

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