You disagree with his Breitbart's impression of the speech.
That doesn't make him a liar.
No what makes him a liar is the fact he calls her a racist - and the fact that he states that in her job she currently uses racism as a filter for who she allots money too - that is an outright lie.
A double lie from foxpaws!!
1- saying the ACORN videos were "heavily edited"
2- saying the NAACP award video was "heavily edited." You'e already acknowledge that Breitbart had access to an excerpt, one that included her "revelation" about race and class in the posted video.
I think the Acorn videos were heavily edited - when you look at them there are points where one moment there are 4 people in the room and in the very next moment there are 3 people in the room, and papers have been added to the table - that would have taken time, and some pretty heavy handed editing to go from those two scenes. There are very few points where there is more than 1/2 minute between scene cuts, they are heavily edited.
And yes - an excerpt is heavy editing - they have 43 minutes of tape and used less than 3 minutes of it - wow - if that isn't finding out the very instance of what you need - and damn the real content of the speech - a case of classic editing. Use just the tiny fraction of tape that confirms or makes your point. It doesn't matter that the overall context refutes your point. I guess our definition of editing is just different Cal.
And once again - it doesn't matter that he claims he only got this portion from his source - it is obviously part of a larger piece - and he should have waited to get the entire source. And once again - it is a 'claim', a claim by a liar.
Your spinning. It's disgusting.
This isn't a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. If an accusation is made, particularly from the "hostile right wing media" as you'd like to present it, would it make sense to maybe talk to the person first? If the video was recorded at a public NAACP award ceremony, maybe check the video first?
Yes it would - however when the administration has tried to do this in the past, the amount of time between accusation on the right wing media's part and the result from the white house has been claimed as taking too long -that somehow instantaneous action needed to take place.
Once again - the administration acted very badly in this case. I have never claimed differently. I hope they have learned a lesson. But, as flash media becomes stronger it will be hard to take time and really review - the age of 'instant' is upon us. However, I think when the white house is dealing with this sort of flash news they need to step back, take time, and even if it looks like they are being indecisive (which is what the right wing media will claim) they need to stand by their employees.
Essentially, in your effort to spin this, you're acknowledging that the administration is incompetent and unable to lead. The administration lacks any executive administration and they seemingly demonstrate that during EVERY crisis.
No, I think that in this instance they did poorly. I think, after reviewing what I know of the oil spill for instance, that they acted very well. They do some things well, they do some things poorly. I think that the rise of instant media is a learning curve for this administration. The previous administrations didn't quite have to deal with this 'instant' stuff. The idea that everything is now recorded with a cell phone, the idea that suddenly everyone has access to really unusual things, the ability for everyone to edit and change tape/photos/audio is something that has finally really come to fruition in the last 3 years or so. However for a team that seemed to understand how this all worked during the campaign, they seem to have dropped the ball.
But you'll excuse it and spin it this just this time?
I don't understand the question.
No. No he didn't
But I've caught you in several....
Yes he did - and as for the lies you 'say' you have caught me in I state that Breitbart lied - he out and out lied, you can't deny those point I have brought up - his lies about Sherrod's racism, his lies about her current handling of cases - you claim I am lying about his lies - those are lies cal, blatant lies. Your other claim of 'lying' is that I state that the video is heavily edited - removing over 40 minutes of a 43 minute speech is heavily editing it, you may say it is an excerpt - but using only a tiny portion of the tape, which gives a false impression of the true content of her speech is heavily editing.
I think you disagree with Breitbart.
That alone doesn't mean either of you are lying.
I do - but when he said that Sherrod is currently using the veil of racism to cloud her judgment in her current job - he lied. That is an outright lie Cal -
Really, what hour did he do the radio monologue on Sherrod? What did he say? Did he call for her firing?
Breitbart posted the story on Monday, the 19th, right?
Beck spoke about her appearance on CNN on the 20th, he was specifically mentioned in the story. But I don't remember and i can't find any recording of him focusing any significant amount of time on the subject of Sherrod on the 19th.
See above - not a lot of time on the radio show, because he was going to hit it hard on his TV show later in the day. But he did spend time on it on the radio show, and he did do a turn-about for his TV show.
You always seem to have trouble finding readily available quotes that undermine your argument.
So, after reading your lists of misdirecting quotes - you don't have the quote where she stated that people who disagree with the president's policies are racists - do you Cal? What to retract that little statement?
And where have I missed an opportunity to back up my claim of quotable source?
Breitbart didn't lie, you don't agree with him- but you'll keep pounding your talking point. That is the plan isn't it?
He did lie - aren't these lies - where he states that Sherrod is a racist - where Sherrod is currently using a racist veil to determine who currently gets funds from her department, where he used only a tiny portion of a tape that implies one thing - but taken in context means a whole different thing (lie of omission), where he states that the NAACP supports this type of behavior is a lie as well. He used this tiny bit of tape to support an allegation, however when you see the entire speech it refutes his allegation - that alone is a lie.
It's not important what Breitbart did or didn't do, you and your buddies at Media Matters need to take Breitbart out. He's a thorn in your side. He's getting in the way of your revolution. He exposed many things, including ACORN, SEIU thugs assaulting Tea Party protesters, and the actual LIES from the Democrats regarding being assaulted at the Obamacare signing. So, you're going to continue with your orchestrated campaign to destroy him. To summarize, it's Alinksy rule #13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it... and isolate it. And in doing so, you're going to keep pounding your lie to discredit Breitbart.
It is important that people understand that the man lied to achieve a pre-stated goal - the goal that he, personally, wants to be known as the man who took down the left. If you have a goal, and then you lie to achieve that goal, then you need to pay the consequences. In this case, his credibility needs to always be put into question. Is he really exposing something, or is he just trying to further his goal of being a one man wrecking ball that will be glorified and sanctified for bringing down the evil left? And apparently he will do it by any means possible - including lying.
As for her reputation... The White House damaged her reputation. The NAACP damaged her reputation. And her foolish racially motivated statements made during recent interviews are damaging her reputation. If she'd just shut up instead of exposing her black/white world bias, her status as 'victim' would be intact.
So - you don't think that the snowball started when Breitbart claimed she was a racist? What will people remember - they will remember that she was exposed as a racist by Breitbart. They remember the very first 'flash'. After that it is all just under the radar scuttle. What was the 'money shot' Cal - it was the point in the tape where she states that she didn't give the farmer everything she could have - because he was white.
Everything else will be forgotten.