Dedicated LVC Member
Since the car is down anyway, i would pull the Alt (takes 20 mins max) and have it tested. I know my alt is the issue because I just pulled it this morning before work and the pullet has a lot of resistance to spinning. I have tested it in the past and found it to be bad but it seemed to work for so long I kind of just forgot about it. Im takinf it to work today (O'Reilly Auto Parts)and Ill get it tested along with charging the battery. I'll post all results just to help others diagnose in the future.
I did that yesterday. Bench tested at Adv. Auto at 14.8 volts. It may still be bad, but it tested good yesterday. And there's almost no resistance when spinning the pulley. Also tested the battery and it's good too. Other than the cracked coils, I can't find anything else wrong with the electrical system.
My symptoms also included excess noise through the radio from the air compressor, a loud "thump" when first started like an amp with bad ground makes, distorted warning beep and eventually losing all dash illumination when pressing the brake pedal, Of course this was accompanied by the abs, airbag, charging light, dash info center warnings and no headlights on the late night ride home on the winding rainy road in the woods to my house last night (that was a bucket of fun)
Other than the ABS and TC warnings that one time, I've had no other electrical issues. Lights work, radio works, HVAC works, etc. Nothing has happened to the car to make me think there was an electrical issue until now. And with the battery and alt testing good, and five cracked coils, it just seems that the coils are the problem. I'll find out for sure soon enough...