Ann Coulter Banned from NBC

I think that NBC is taking the pulse of America, and believes that America doesn’t want to listen to Ann Coulter right now.
So when did they make that decision?
Before or after they booked her to appear on two segments on the Today show?

They don’t want to promote the bashing of Obama (which is certainly a probability of what she would talk about) at a time when Obama is riding on a pretty big crest of public approval.
Very interesting... see what you're doing is making excuses.
What you're not doing is responding to the challenge posed.

Here's what we know, a very successful author and popular speaker was scheduled to appear on a morning show. This woman is such a good guest they they scheduled her for TWO segments, once in the first hour and then AGAIN that same day during the fourth hour of the show.

So, when those decisions were being made, all of your brainstorming, grasping at straws speculation and excuse making was irrelevant.

So the question is-
did they cancel her appearance in an attempt to spite her,
or was it just done for last minute partisan ideological reasons?

They may believe after the last election that to gain viewership a more liberal agenda is in order. They read numbers. I don’t know how liberal guests vs conservative guests are polling right now.
I know you're just making excuses and spinning.... but this doesn't make sense either. If election results were an indication of the "agenda" this so called non-biased NeWS source were to reflect, then why have they been so consistently far left. Why were they so passionately anti-conservative even after the Republicans took control of the Congress in 1995, or when Bush won re-election with similar numbers as Obama in 2004..... Of course the answer is clear- that was a ridiculous excuse you just came up with.

The fact is, NBC/MSNBC would have a hard time skewing any farther to the left if they wanted to. This is the network where Chris Mathews gets a "tingle up his leg" when he hears Obama speak....

So did they cancel Coulter's appearance at the last minute because of partisan idealogy, or did they do it also to spite her and prevent the ability to promoting her book on the morning of it's release?

And if she is unofficially banned on MSNBC, how do you explain that. Coulter rarely turns down invitations to those shows and conflict means ratings and attention in the world of cable news... so what's the argument there.

I'll let you answer that:
Foxpaws said:
They don’t want to promote the bashing of Obama
Well, you're right about that...

NBC certainly had to know that it would make an enemy of Coulter and her dogged following.
I'm sure they felt it was for the greater good.
Or they didn't want to leave 30 Rock and have all of their NY elite liberal friends yelling at them for having that "horrible woman" on the show.
Maybe they just don’t care. I think they have found that the audience they are trying to reach is tired of right wing bickering partisan politics. And Coulter represents one of the pinnacles of partisan politics.
Right- so in her place they put on the bitter, radical lesbian host from Air America..... Another poorly conceived excuse, Fox... you'll have to try harder. We all expect much better spin from you.

You are ‘damned if they do, damned if they don’t’ territory here Cal. Do you really want middle America reading ? Or that single moms are undermining the American way of life?
Probably not.
That's a funny quote...
I'd be thrilled if I saw my nephew reading a book written by Ann Coulter.
He's a bit young right for it to hold his interest now, but I can assure you, he'll have a copy of Treason before he's in High School... and I'll buy him the rest as he finishes them.

Her book will sell. To the devoted and converted. But, will middle of the road America pick it up to see what the right is about?
Certainly not if they don't know it's out.
Certainly not if they don't here HER explain what it's about, rather than having it explained to them by some hateful liberal on the TV.

But that's the plan, isn't it?
Why were they so passionately anti-conservative even after the Republicans took control of the Congress in 1995, or when Bush won re-election with similar numbers as Obama in 2004..... Of course the answer is clear- that was a ridiculous excuse you just came up with.

I don’t know Cal – other than the numbers that they want to hit (probably 18-35) show them what that group wants on TV.

As you said, one of their shows, 30 Rock, is aimed there. They may also want aim their other programming there as well, which includes books featured on the Today show.

Ann Coulter doesn’t appeal to the SNL, 30 Rock crowd.

And they could have listened to the write in poll that Marcus found. Maybe they think that is their audience as well.

If they are out there to just push some agenda that doesn’t have an audience, then they won’t be around for much longer. You should be rejoicing their choice to ban Ann if that is the case. If their audience wants to watch Ann then they will drift away, to Fox to find Ann and others like her.

If they believe that Ann is antithesis to their audience, then they were right in taking her off the air. If they think that Rachael Maddow is who their audience wants to see, then, maybe they know their audience better than we do.

Maybe they are interested in picking up other market segments in that time frame. The lesbian stay-at-home mom, who would have been pretty insulted by Ann’s newest tirades.

I'd be thrilled if I saw my nephew reading a book written by Ann Coulter.
He's a bit young right for it to hold his interest now, but I can assure you, he'll have a copy of Treason before he's in High School... and I'll buy him the rest as he finishes them.

It is best to indoctrinate the young… Although, he’ll rebel (pretty standard stuff for teens) and whatever you like, he’ll hate.

You might be better off giving him Al Franken's “Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them”, and by using reverse psychology he’ll be drawn toward Coulter on his own… ;)
I don’t know Cal – other than the numbers that they want to hit (probably 18-35) show them what that group wants on TV.
I'm sorry...don't mean to interrupt, but you haven't responded to the actual challenge yet, instead you just posted up a big heap of bullcrap....

They booked her, for not 1 segment, but 2. That's a marketing decision.
They changed their mind at the last minute. That's an emotional decision.

The decision to cancel both appearances at the last minute was because they wanted to silence her because they didn't like her message, or because they wanted to spite her on the day of her book release, tying her up with the double booking on NBC (1st and 4th hours), making her unavailable to appear elsewhere to promote it.

Also.. I'm the cool Uncle.
Teenagers don't rebel against the cool uncle, they emulate them.
I'm sorry...don't mean to interrupt, but you haven't responded to the actual challenge yet, instead you just posted up a big heap of bullcrap....

They booked her, for not 1 segment, but 2. That's a marketing decision.
They changed their mind at the last minute. That's an emotional decision.

The decision to cancel both appearances at the last minute was because they wanted to silence her because they didn't like her message, or because they wanted to spite her on the day of her book release, tying her up with the double booking on NBC (1st and 4th hours), making her unavailable to appear elsewhere to promote it.

Well, she wandered over to CBS this morning... she was still on network TV - maybe in spite of NBC's canceling, CBS decided to book her.

I don't work for the networks Cal, I can't tell you why they did it. I can speculate - just as you are speculating (you don't have any hard evidence either).

It could have been a last minute decision based on emotion. As I said, maybe Steve Capus doesn't want to listen to her anymore. I would imagine it was based on other agenda though. However, just as you have no proof that is was based on 'emotion' I have no proof that it was based on 'appealing to their audience'.

We may never know. But, that is why often I sort of like to sit back and find out what is happening - knee jerks only work when trying to get some slimy guy away from you.

Also.. I'm the cool Uncle.
Teenagers don't rebel against the cool uncle, they emulate them.

Well, we only have your word on this, being the 'cool' uncle, don't we? :)
Well, she wandered over to CBS this morning... she was still on network TV - maybe in spite of NBC's canceling, CBS decided to book her.
She was already booked on CBS... and that has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion we're having about NBCs decision.

They booked her in advance.
She is a best selling author, a lively and spirited guest, and she generates interest in the shows she's on. NBC knew this. They booked her for TWO segments, in the first and fourth hours. This is a significant time commitment and it enables Coulter to interact in two different settings.

Then on the day of her appearance, launching her book critical of the media and Obama, they cancel her. As mentioned, the marketing decision was made in advance when they scheduled two segments.

None of the "marketing" nonsense you're trying to cobble together makes any sense.

Either they pulled the plug at the last minute because of an emotional, partisan, response to deny her an audience.
OR- it was planned in advance to just undermine her book launch.
She was booked to do 2 morning shows at the same time?

Was she going to be running between them? Those Manolo Blahniks wouldn't have held up... ;)

I have no idea of why NBC did what they did. I am speculating - you are speculating. Maybe they were mad that she booked CBS on the same day, on a competing morning show.

Or, maybe this is a great way to appeal to their audience - wow, I really admire NBC for pulling that ingrate witch.

Heck, if as you said, it is to 'undermine her book launch' it may have backfired - this is getting lots of press - probably more than her talking on the Today show would have done. Ann will certainly play it up for all it's worth (she already is). She is as good at playing the victim as anyone is.

I would imagine we will never know. Your theories will remain theories, as will mine.
Fox has offered half a dozen possible reasons - errrrrrrrrrr - excuses, but NBC has already answered this.


"We are just not interested in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama, right now," a TODAY insider reveals. "It's such a downer. It's just not the time, and it's not what our audience wants, either."

By the way, nice job Cal. You've eviscerated fox at every turn.
"We are just not interested in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama, right now," a TODAY insider reveals. "It's such a downer. It's just not the time, and it's not what our audience wants, either."
It isn't always safe to use 'un-named' sources foss - too much like unprotected sex...

But a second top suit strongly denies there is any "Coulter ban".

"Look for a re-invite, as soon as Wednesday," said the news executive, who asked not to be named.

And now from Editor and Publisher...
NBC Caves on Coulter -- Booked for Wednesday

"So in the end, NBC will probably get more viewers and Coulter will sell more books—or at least further convince those in her camp that the MSM isn’t on her side."

Do you think she will cancel - as she threatened to do on Monday on Hannity/Colmes?

Heck - she gets what she wants - more buyers - who knows - NBC maybe gets what they want - more viewers -

Maybe they were in bed together all the time :)

Oddly I don't feel eviscerated, NBC didn't 'ban' her for life, they aren't undermining the sales of her book. As I said before, perhaps before jumping on all these things we should wait...

I still think they did it for numbers - which equals money. Just a reason I didn't think of... create great buzz, swoop in, change your mind, and have her on anyway...

You gotta love the media!
NBC didn't 'ban' her for lifethey aren't undermining the sales of her book. As I said before, perhaps before jumping on all these things we should wait...
It's abundantly obvious that you won't directly respond to my challenge, so I needed press the issue through the second page. But this statement deserves response-

This thread isn't about what NBC does in the future. The decision to keep Coulter off the air was an editorial one made in private. They clearly have an agenda and this decision was done in private to support their ideology. You however refuse to acknowledge this.

Since the story was made public by Drudge, what they do now is irrelevant. It will be in reaction to the story. The decisions we are talking about were made behind the scenes, in the "un-biased and fair" offices of NBC and MSNBC News, when the doors were supposed to be closed.

Old expression: Character is what you do when no one is looking.
NBC has demonstrated their organization's character, again, very clearly.

I still think they did it for numbers - which equals money. Just a reason I didn't think of... create great buzz, swoop in, change your mind, and have her on anyway...
You must over tired and delusional.....
You think they intentionally insulted the woman, apparently interfered with the release of her new book, purposefully leaked contradictory information to the Drudge Report, issued a policy banning her from MSNBC (a network with no ratings, and demonstrably furthers decimates your "ratings/revenue" argument) and upset of Scarborough, all to then invite her back on, have her accept the invitation, build up buzz, in an effort to increase interest in the show and her book?

First of all, that's absurd.
But, most interesting, if you think that's even plausible, that means you recognize that all of the other excuses you've presented are total garbage because they're in stark contrast.

I was waiting to see how long it would take before we got a "socialism to save capitalism" argument, and I think we've gotten it now. Despite the fact that she must hurt ratings, the audience is more liberal, and all the other nonsense you spewed on the first page, now they are doing it because she's a ratings gold mine and they want to make an event of her next appearance.

Bravo... You truly have no integrity when discussing politics or current events here. You will say absolutely anything so long as it paints a more flattering picture of your liberal institutions.

You gotta love the media!
You can't possible believe the things you say in here.
It's abundantly obvious that you won't directly respond to my challenge, so I needed press the issue through the second page. But this statement deserves response-

This thread isn't about what NBC does in the future. The decision to keep Coulter off the air was an editorial one made in private. They clearly have an agenda and this decision was done in private to support their ideology. You however refuse to acknowledge this.

So, Cal- I should care that you pressed this issue through to a second page?

And I said a couple of times (post 19 and post 29) that Steve Capus could have decided he didn't want to hear her - Steve Capus is the head of NBC News - I have acknowledged that he could have decided he had enough of her. It could have been his editorial choice - I don't know - I gave out lots of possibilities, in hope that you would understand that the whole 'emotional issue' is just one of many things that could have been happening here.

And, this doesn't prove anything - the fact that she will (perhaps) be on NBC tomorrow doesn't prove that NBC decided behind closed doors that to further some liberal political agenda that they needed to pull her.

Nowhere have I seen a reason why they pulled her - it could have been the Media Matters letter writing campaign, do you know Cal? I don't know how many responses they got (which they have formulas to determine points). You seem to know that it was an emotional reaction, without ever having any statement or evidence from an accredited source at NBC.

It does look like NBC is bowing to the right (drudge is conservative) in regards to their re-booking her. Isn't that awful - shouldn't I be crying and whining? Isn't that what the right does when the left gets something altered in the media. But, how many 'letters' did they get regarding her cancellation, it looks to be that it was enough to make them rethink.

Couldn't this all have been a battle of the letter writers - the Media Matters letter writing machine vs the Drudge letter writing machine.

I don't care - actually I am glad - put the wench on, let everyone see what she is all about - the more the merrier.

Heck, I wrote NBC, telling them that they didn't need to make a martyr of Ms Coulter - maybe they paid attention to me (no way - but, I did write).

And who cares about NBC's character - you should be dancing in the streets if you think this hurts their credibility.

Issued a policy banning her from MSNBC (a network with no ratings, and demonstrably furthers decimates your "ratings/revenue" argument)

The only thing I can find on the 'supposed' banning is the quote from the unnamed source at NBC. As far as I can see NBC never officially made a statement that she was banned, and in fact, in the same article that states the 'banned' statement another NBC source was saying that they would reschedule her for Wednesday. Obviously a somewhat more reliable source... the one I used in post 33.

And I kept saying I don't have a clue why they canceled her and then re-booked her. You keep saying "I have the definitive answer", well you don't Cal. This is big time broadcast media - where who knows what happens or why it happens, other than probably over 90% of the time it has to do with ratings and money.

Money makes everyone friends... It will be interesting to see if Ann Coulter shows up. If she does, don't you think she is doing it to self promote, and sell books? Where is her 'high road'? Shouldn't she be turning down all opportunities to be seen on NBC - they slighted her, they belittled her, they tried to interfere with her book release (wow, is that one stretching), why, oh why, would she ever lower herself to grace their unworthy airways?

Money - and numbers. They all play the game.

And I don't really care about this Cal - it is a funny blip in the timeline of media ups and downs. I just like to dig Coulter when I get a chance - it really is fun.
Couldn't this all have been a battle of the letter writers - the Media Matters letter writing machine vs the Drudge letter writing machine.

Do you understand what The Drudge Report is?

Drudge letter writing machine.... lmao.
I am sorry - I should have said drudge type followers letter writing campaign... my slip

I know what the drudge report is...
Heck I loved reading his stuff when he was obsessed with Hillary - it was wonderful reading... ;)

And isn't his claim to fame Monica L - I think he broke the story - right?
I am sorry - I should have said drudge type followers letter writing campaign... my slip
What is a "Drudge Type Follower?"
The reality is, Matt Drudge is about Matt Drudge. He's a libertarian, but his first love is web traffic. After the banner headline and hastily written scoop, the rest of the website is a wonderful central location to read op-eds and world newspapers.

As for Coulter, we'll see how the next interview goes tomorrow.
Do you think they'll treat her with the same sort of respect and deference that they give authors critical of Bush? Or will it be a similar tone as an interview with other edgy opinion writers from the left, like Maureen Dowd or more specifically, the late Moly Ivins?
He writes most of the gossip-y stuff on his site..

Matt Drudge's The Drudge Report is one of the best-known political news and gossip sites on the Internet. Drudge grew up near Washington, D. C., then headed west to Los Angeles with dreams of becoming a journalist. After a series of frustrating low-paying jobs, he launched his own website in 1995, combining news links and headlines with celebrity gossip "scoops" he had overheard or found by digging through the trash. Drudge also added political gossip to the mix, and in 1998 broke the story of an affair between Monica Lewinsky and U.S. President Bill Clinton. The story made him a permanent fixture on the political gossip scene. Drudge's flair for the theatrical (he prefers to dress in the costume of an early 20th century muckraker) made him an instant hit on the same media outlets he regularly criticized, and soon he had his own commentary show on radio and TV. By 2000 he had been fired by both ABC radio and Fox television, but in 2001 he bounced back with a weekly radio show on WABC.

Drudge type follower - someone who loves stuff that used to be in the trash... ;)
Dudge type follower - someone who loves stuff that used to be in the trash... ;)

Perhaps a better definition would be someone who appreciates an information source that isn't filtered and censored by the editorial bias of the mainstream press.
Foxy, your comment is a little snarky to come from you. BUT---does that mean that you're a little on the zaftig side?
I was waiting to see how long it would take before we got a "socialism to save capitalism" argument, and I think we've gotten it now. Despite the fact that she must hurt ratings, the audience is more liberal, and all the other nonsense you spewed on the first page, now they are doing it because she's a ratings gold mine and they want to make an event of her next appearance.
BINGO! You can't have it both ways. *owned*
Coulter got bumped for 24 hours and was on Today this morning.
Foxy, your comment is a little snarky to come from you. BUT---does that mean that you're a little on the zaftig side?

Ah, well, one member here (who shall remain nameless) has seen pretty current nudes of me and he thought I was a little on the thin side... ;) I don't think so, I am always in 'I need to lose 10 lbs mode" - I am about a size 8Tall (Sandra Bullock is a size 8)

Not skeletal like Ann though... Although she looks worse lately (I don't think I would have posted the 'bony' thing if I had seen her recently) - I did watch the hannity/colmes interview (more funny live than just the text - I would recommend it) and she looked pretty bad, anorexic even. I hope she is OK.
I agree with her that the rise in out of wedlock births is a bad thing for society in general.
combining news links and headlines
Seeing that Drudge is my home page, 95% of what goes on on his site is news links and headlines. He hardly ever posts his own stuff anymore unless it is * breaking * and even then, the chances are that someone sent it to him.

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