So now you are a spelling critic. Well bully for you. Go back to capitalizing on the jobless.
Answer not a fool according to his folly, Lest thou also be like unto him.
-Proverbs 26:4
You obviously have zero brains in your head, otherwise you'd think twice before making such seriously idiotic statements. Let me explain this to you as though you were a 3 year old, although that is a step up for you.
As you obviously don't know, there are many, many people who are not happy with their current state of employment. In fact, the number is over 55% of those working jobs in America today, although I've also done some work for people in other English-speaking countries. (I understand that English is your second language, but we'll excuse that for now) These people tend to look for work
while they are still employed, despite your stupid, arrogant, condescending bleating to the contrary.
Most smart thinking people would agree that it is easier to obtain a new job while they already have a job, as recent gaps in a resume raise questions with interviewers and screeners. Furthermore, it is an insult to those seeking new employment for a hatemonger like you to disparage them by calling them jobless, since they are not. Moreover, I have done work for free for jobless people since they usually don't have the kind of funds available to pay for this kind of service. I'm sure you would be the one to spit on them as they stand in the unemployment line, especially if they are Christians.
Finally, your meager understanding of this industry indicates that you either do your own resumes, or you can't find a new job, or somebody botched your resume once and it affected you deeply and emotionally, leaving you scarred, or you don't desire a new job. Either way, it's hardly your place to bash a side of the economy that you know nothing about. edit