Another HVAC question. Controls inverted after changing the DCCV.


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
Long Beach

2001 LS V6 sport here with 277300 miles.

I had a problem with my HVAC, driver's side was blowing cold, while passenger's side not so cold. When you put up the heat from the driver's side ( for both sides basically) the heat goes up, but when you do only the passenger side and leave the driver's on 65 the air stays cool.

I thought it sounds like DCCV problem, plus I was changing already the oil pan gasket, thermostat and the front main seal so I decided to just change the DCCV (motorcraft) also.

Now after I did all that and bled the air out of the cooling system, now the passenger side still feels not so cool as before (maybe I need to add some freon), but it does adjust the temperature up and down, only issue is that the driver's side makes the passenger's side hotter and the passenger's switch makes the driver's side hotter.

I thought maybe I connected the hoses wrong, but I checked according to diagram too and the are correct.

Maybe the problem is in the HVAC controller on the dash, I am not sure.

All the wiring seamed ok, nothing looked broken.

Looking for some input on this, all help is appreciated.



Pretty sure it's the hoses. The drawings are not necessarily clear, and it's cramped, so that can certainly happen. The wiring is all keyed connectors, so that's much more difficult to mess up.
Sadly, you do need to bleed again after swapping the hoses.
Gonna try to switch em. Would be weird if it wasn't that. Have you tried disconnecting them from the quickconnect side?
...Have you tried disconnecting them from the quickconnect side?

I wouldn't try to do it there. Do it at the valve. I think there is real danger that the plastic parts of the quick disconnects may crack when you try to use them.
I agree that the hoses are probably swapped, and I also agree that you may be a little low on refrigerant (R134a - Suva, not R12 - Freon).
Ok, thanks. Will do that, although don't feel like messing with the damn dccv again.
Just an update on this, switched the hoses on DCCV and that fixed the problem with left/right switched controls, also filled the refrigerant and now both sides are ice cold and I got full adjustment like before.
Just wanna say, seeing an LS with 277k miles on it is really amazing! Gives me hope mine will last a good long while! ^_^

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