I agree that republicans, in general, have no business criticizing democrats for pork spending given their own miserable track record over the last 6 years. Likewise, President Bush has no business either since he has also failed to curb wasteful spending.
However, by sending the President a bill they knew he would not sign, democrats have chosen to exploit the Iraq War and American soldiers to gain political points for the 2008 election. It just goes to show that nothing is off limits when it comes to Beltway politics, even lives of American soldiers. But clearly, this time, it's congressional democrats that are the instigators as they have sought to use there newly granted majority powers to shamelessly exploit the Iraq War.
What happened to the democrat mantra about supporting the military and our soldiers? If they truly support the military then why are they trying to usurp the President's constitutional authority as Commander-in-Chief and supplant themselves as little generals in the middle of pitched battle? Clearly, democrats are doing what they want to do purely for political purposes. Why else would they ignore the President who is in consultation with the real generals running the War, and instead, pass an arbitrary troop withdrawal timeline knowing full well the President would not accept such a timeline.
So, downplay the bill as politics if you want, but it’s clearly more dangerous and unnecessary than “politics,” and in the least will only create more divisiveness. Unfortunately, if allowed to stand, it will likely sabotage the military effort currently underway to restore security to Baghdad and finally gain the upper hand on the insurgents since it will, as many have argued, provide the insurgents a timeline within which they can lie in wait until the Americans leave.
Why then, have congressional democrats insisted on interfering? Again, because they do not want a victory in Iraq—They can’t afford one since they have too much invested in defeat.