Any info would help.


New LVC Member
Feb 13, 2009
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How/s everyone doing today?! .....I have 2 separate (main) issues that I'm dealing with right now. Two weeks ago, the dash just went crazy on me (everything was flashing,gas surging,etc.).Before, I would just turn the car off...wait about a minute, then it would start right off. But yesterday, when I tried to turn it back on, I was getting no juice at all.I had to remove the battery and re-attach it after a minute or two before I could get some power to the car.
I still haven't checked the batt. cables yet, but I will tonight, though. Hopefully, that's the answer to that problem.
But, this is where it gets confusing for me...the 2nd issue I have with this car is that it's leaking oil somewhere around the filter.Now, again,...I haven't checked it yet as to where exactly the leak is coming from.
Now yesterday, when the 'crazy dashboard' was going on,..I noticed that there was more oil leaking bec. it had a noticeable amount of smoke coming from the oil filter area. So now, I have 'crazy' dash and 'smoky' oil filter happening at the same time. When I tried to fix 'crazy' dash thru the batt. cable, it won't let me. It felt like it was waiting for 'smoky' oil filter to settle or cool down first before I could do anything.
My question: Could an irregular or unstable oil pressure reading confuse the system that it would make everything just haywire?....regardless of batt. cable condition?
I'm just basically trying to get all the information about these two problems before I tackle them tonight. I'm still looking at it as two separate issues. I just want to know if they could be related in some way. Btw, both of them occured pretty much at the same time. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.
90 conti.
maybe the oil is leaking onto some bad wires and shorting everything out. the leak sounds like it could be the adapter gasket OR the o ring on the filter, last time you changed the oil did you put a little bit on the o ring? also did you hand tighten it then go an extra quarter turn? oil leaks always go down and back so find the highest and most forward point and that's most likely your leak. the dash sounds like some bad wiring. if the battery appeared dead, then you disconnected it, reconnected it, and it was still charged then it sounds like you might have a grounding problem. with the dash going crazy it sounds like you need to start searching for few corroded or loose wires.
:blah: :blah: :blah:

My question: Could an irregular or unstable oil pressure reading confuse the system that it would make everything just haywire?....regardless of batt. cable condition?


Maybe the Oil Filter adapter gasket is going south, if you have one. Not too familiar with that motor. If this started happening after an oil change, make sure the filter isn't double gasketed...

As far as your electrical condition... I'm not even going there. Too many things that could be wrong. But check the dash cluster connector. Is it an analog dash, or digital? Maybe your whole cluster is going/gone bad.
im sure that probably has a sohc 4.6 so the oil leak could be the oil filter baseplate gasket the oil pressure switch or the filter if its double gasketed it wont go 5 miles before you loose it all. unplug the OPS and look in the connector if its full of oil its the switch, most likely it is usually but at 165,000 i replaced my baseplate gskt, but my 4.6 is another animal. on the wiring start with the cables first with obd11 it will do weird stih if you dont have good grounds and good power. or get full coverage, dont fix the oil leak and wait for the fire cause oil will burn if it hits the right stuff. fix the cables and make sure you have a good batt. and no unstable pressure will not make it go nuts.

I appreciate the help. Ok,so there's really no direct connection between those two. That's what I thought, I just wanted to double check that.
It's a 3.8 V6. ...and when you guys say "double gasketed"....u mean, double gasketed by accident, right?...or is that a filter type?(just making sure).
Thanks again.
by accident its the rubber ring aroun the top of the filter that goes between the filter and the block it gets stuck and then you put the new filter on and it cant seal being a v6 im not too familar with it but its the same concept just missing 2 cylinders. it would be massive if this was the case horrible leak

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