Any one see this!!

I slightly agree how ever better examples could have been used.;)
I hate to break it to you, but you are the epitome of retarded pop culture.

Sorry. Had to do it, it was just too easy.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was trying to get to the end of the thread before saying somehting but it was bugging me that captain rub-dudes-with-oil was getting away with judging whats gay!
hip hop is population control music. if half the rappers out there did what they preach, everyone in that community would be dead
You are confused with flat out RAP.

Take it from someone that lives metal music.;)

TCQ, Mos Def, examples of good music that dont aspire people to wanna bust caps!
The film industry suits Rob Z. much better:D
ehhhh... i dig his stuff, but i miss the old school! not the Rob stuff.... the white stuff!!!!

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