Lol Litterally just had a thread going on this topic for the past week... its still on the FRONT page... 4 posts below yours
Here is a direct link for you though:
Despite all the really solid advice and warnings, I have opted to try the dragon fire coils since a few members have had luck with them it seems (no horror stories anyways)
Even if they only last 60k that's a solid 3/4 years to me and puts my car at 240k - I went from ~100miles a day to ~ a 15mile daily commute so they also won't be subjective to daily freeway speeds/temperatures.
Should they go out prematurely, and the motor/body happens to still be going strong. Perhaps then I will consider OEM. With any luck, they should last the rest of this cars life though.
Obviously I can't report on them until I install them this weekend, even then the car will only get ~150 miles on it over the weekend - but I can report back if any have a DOA status
If you read through my thread, OEM is what many members here will suggest/stand by since its the SAFEST BET. Its just also $200-$300 more expensive.
Weigh the positives and negatives and what ever your situation is.
Also, you will notice that many posts say that replacing the cats (the part your putting at risk by buying non-OEM parts) is a $1,500 - $2,000 job - However, I found the magnaflow cat for under $400 and as long as you don't go to a dealership.... I doubt labor will be more than $1,000 even with some custom welds to make the magnaflow's fit properly (from the quick reading I did on the topic it seems it needs some).
With 4-6 hours labor @$50/hr from my buddies shop, it would be closer to a $7XX job top including parts.
I could not find OEM cats for sale or how much they sell for(other users have noted they are harder and harder to find these days), but if its close to $1,000 for it... well then I understand the $1,500 - $2,000 estimates.
Also consider that dealership rates are $142 an hour, not sure if that is what these estimates are based off of - but it seems that way to me when you break down the numbers.
Like lets say someone had this done under warranty... the dealership is going to be all like "Hey look this would have cost you $2000 but luckily you bought the extended service warranty. See how worth it it is. Lucky You!"
EDIT: Just noticed you have the v6... not sure if dragon fire makes em for the v6. you may have to search around to see.