Any "Toreador Red" Mark Viii's with Black Tint ?


LVC Noob
Aug 27, 2009
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Well i really want to tint my car, for looks and for the cooling effect.

I am just worried it wouldn't look right ?

I was wondering if anyone has pics of a Toreador Red (97-98 if you can) Mark Viii that has pretty dark tint.

Thanks :cool:
I plan on getting it done somewhere VERY professional (they do all the cop cars)

I just don't want to regret it and i know someone has to have one with it.
ill tryn sneak a photo of a toreador red tinted mark down the road from me :D
It's kinda hard for a Mark to look bad with tint. That goes for any car for that matter. Probably 95% of the Mark owners here have tint. You'll like it once you have it. Make sure the place you take it to can do your back window in one piece. If they talk strips, find another shop. Mark VIII rear glass isn't the easiest to do. The Asian guy that done mine has been tinting for 18 years and he said I had one of the hardest rear windows he's ever done because of it's size and the curves it has. The heat shrinking for that window took him nearly 10 minutes but the rest of the car was done in no time. Yes, there are quicker tinters out there and he was quick but I stayed in the shop with him because I wanted that back window to be perfect so he took his time and done it right the first time. $150.00 was my cost and the warranty is for as long as I have the car.

Also, make sure to vacuum the rear deck very good before taking it in. It's hard to notice some imperfections during the first 24 to 48 hours until the water bubbles have all dried up but once it's dried, you'll love it.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Both of those marks looking :q:q:q:qing sick.

Thanks alot for the reply Nolimit, there are some good tint people where i live. I will tell them that also.

Il post pic's when i have it done here soon.

Thanks for the pics guys. I just wanted to make sure it would look good, i don't have any black on that car besides the tires lol. (wish i had black interior) Post anymore pic's you may run into :)
Mine is red with a pretty dark tint. I don't have pictures yet but I can assure you, it looks great. :)
Mine is red with a pretty dark tint. I don't have pictures yet but I can assure you, it looks great. :)

Well get some pictures :)

Let me know if u need help getting them on here.

I think i am going to do it.
Heh, I can handle it, I'm just kinda lazy. Got the car Sunday, haven't really had a chance to take pictures yet. I did grab the camera before I left for work today so I might snap a few at lunch.
Heh, I can handle it, I'm just kinda lazy. Got the car Sunday, haven't really had a chance to take pictures yet. I did grab the camera before I left for work today so I might snap a few at lunch.

sweet, i hope you do!

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