It has taken a long time for LEDs to become bright enough to be used for some lighting purposes. I was in school in the 70s when Popular Mechanics magazxine was saying LEDs were the head light of the future for the automobile.
We are finally almost getting there but the general opinion is that LEDS do not project well enough and their color spectrum is still not correct for human eyes to pick out things we need to see at a distance. I buy almost every LED flashlight I find for camping or walking at night. None of them really does as well as a regular flashlight. They don't project and I can't see things like potholes to fall into. They are much better today than they were 10 years ago, but not there quite yet.
I think one or two high end luxury autos have LEDs for head lights, I think Audi is one and the car was something like $100K +. But for general purpose auto head lights I would wait awhile. They WILL get better and cheaper. Cheap LEDS now don't work, they are just cheap.
Just my opinion, reading, experience,
Jim Henderson