Anyone Have a woodgrain wheel for sale?


New LVC Member
Aug 16, 2005
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I am looking to upgrade to the wood style anyone have one or know where to get one?
Good luck with this one! Those damn wheels are spendy little ba$tards on eBay!!! Also, make sure they can give you an interior color code to match up with yours. I bought one once that was advertised gray, and it looked gray when it arrived, but when I held it against the interior of my car, it had a little brown in it and I couldn't use it.

What makes me crazy about this is I can by the woodgrain wheel for my wife's Aviator all day long for $40 on ebay. It will be at least triple that for LS. Supply and demand I guess.
I can get one that is grey from a local yard here. It would end up being about $125 shipped unless I can talk them down. They want $110 for it and add tax and shipping....

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