Well-Known LVC Member
Anyone selling a LS sport front bumper with the round fog lights ? cant find one any where.
Anyone selling a LS sport front bumper with the round fog lights ? cant find one any where.
Welcome to the Orphan Car world.....
Sport bumper=rectangular fog lights, no chrome trim.
Non sport bumper=rectangular fog lights, chrome trim
04-05 LSE bumper=round fog lights, no chrome trim
06 bumper (all 06's)=round fog lights, no chrome trim (same as 04-05 LSE)
02 LSE bumper=round fog lights, no chrome (you likely wont find this one, they didnt make very many)
If you want round fog lights, look for an 06 front bumper. You can find them for $300-600-ish + paint
agreed.... your old
End of story.
I hate the LS page, but I keep open in a tab as it represents most of my newsfeed. As for notifying everyone of your whereabouts, that's what you put in. I don't think Imake more than one status post a month