Anyone use SeaFoam on a '00-'02 3.0 V6?

Dan Ro

Well-Known LVC Member
May 1, 2010
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If anyone has, what tube did you use to put it in while running? Where is the tube you used?
You know, I never really bought the seafoam in the vaccuum line story. I don't know what it's supposed to do. The smoke and stuff you see pouring out the exhaust is probably just the seafoam burning up.

But then again, I've never believed in miracle remedies like that.

I did, however, add a half can to my oil about 500 miles before a change. And dumped the otehr half in the gas tank. Don't know if it did anything.
I did, however, add a half can to my oil about 500 miles before a change. And dumped the otehr half in the gas tank. Don't know if it did anything.

From what i understand you are only supposed to add it to your tank RIGHT before you change your oil. Like a few miles maybe then change it. But I haven't used it before so I don't know for sure.
From what i understand you are only supposed to add it to your tank RIGHT before you change your oil. Like a few miles maybe then change it. But I haven't used it before so I don't know for sure.

You also put in through a vacuum line while the engine is running with a hot engine, you leave it in there for 5 minutes and then start it up and let it run a little.
From what i understand you are only supposed to add it to your tank RIGHT before you change your oil. Like a few miles maybe then change it. But I haven't used it before so I don't know for sure.

Maybe it was 50 miles. I don't remember to be honest.
Read the directions on the can it will tell you what you can do with it and when.
I just did the Seafoam to my 2000 LS V6 yesterday. Not sure how much difference it made since the car was running really well anyway. I used the vacuum hose on the backside of the throttle body, the one just under the PVC hose. I used a piece of hose and a funnel to pour 6 oz in with the car running, waited 15 mins, and went out and gave it an Italian tune up:). Lots of smoke coming off the back! LOL

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