Apparently, the intimidation is working...

'Mark My Word' is a blurb about someone's favorite book at the time, not just a book somebody's reading.
Well, Foss, if you look at the byline under "Mark My Word" it reads "Here's what people are reading":p
Guess how I answer that question Foss right now (and I am asked, when you carry around a tome, people want to know)? Since I answer "Unintended Consequences", and even give a tiny explination of what it is about, people might start 'reading' something into that as well.... ;)
You're also consistently glossing over and ignoring the FACT that Obama LIED when he said Ayers was just some guy in his neighborhood.
How many times have you read and reviewed a book written by some guy in your neighborhood, served on a board with him,
shared an office building with him for 3 years, had your spouse host conferences with him?
Foss - your memory is fading.... from long ago, and in a thread far, far away...
And Foss - the worse thing Obama did in this whole thing is lie about it - how dumb of him. Yes, over a decade ago the two men crossed paths - they both sat on an education board within their community - probably because they were both hi-profile individuals in that community. As a rising candidate Obama took money from a fundraiser from Ayers, which Ayers presumably hosted because he was impressed with Obama's work within the CAC.

If Obama had admitted to those facts, I think this would have blown over, because, as of now, there looks like there isn't much beyond this. The lie has elevated it far more than natural discovery would have.
Foss, have you held community board memberships, have you held political office - do you know how often paths cross when you do? Especially when you are dealing with a high profile figure in Chicago education such as Ayers? Here is a man who was voted as Chicago's "Citizen of the Year" for his work in education. My goodness, I would actually have been more surprised if their paths hadn't crossed, considering that education has always been one of the cornerstones of Obama's political platforms.

Keep moving the goalposts - I know you don't want to believe Obama had anything to do with Ayers, regardless of the iceberg theory or the smoke/fire theory.
I'm sure if there was footage of the two sitting in a bar laughing and joking about using communism to overthrow the government,
you'd find a way to explain it away so that you can justify your vote. :rolleyes: But you're no longer arguing; you're simply denying.
I am not moving the goalposts - you guys keep throwing new speculation stuff at me I have never seen before, you act like I am some sort of PR person for Obama, I am not... As you throw things at me, I have to take time to look at them for myself, and find out what they mean in the context of all of this. I actually read all this stuff you throw at me - and then I actually try to personally make sense of it, and write from my point of view, but, you know - look at the bottom of this post - I give up - I am going to use left biased source and just leave it like that. You don't go through Cashill article and say why you personally believe in all the points, that you have looked at expert opinion on this, to see if his allegations are valid, you just post it as though it were fact and not 'unexpert' opinion... well, I have got my 'unexpert' opinions as well...

And, you know, this isn't as much fun. Throwing source at each other teaches me nothing. A big reason I debate is to learn, not to be 'right or wrong' (although there is that thrill of victory... I can't lie about that...:) )

Obama hasn't shown that he supports Ayers radical beliefs from the 60s. He hasn't shown that he has incorporated those beleifs into his current political philosphy.

will repeat what I have said before - my candidate has never served on a board with a terrorist like Timothy McVeigh, nor reviewed any of his books.

Before I travel down this road - who is 'your' candidate... not being fictitious here, I just don't want to be bitten by this...;) Plus, I think we can throw out 'book review', maybe you can say 'read a book'. One sentence in a 'what are you reading now' column does not constitute 'book review'.

Will you change your tune if it comes out that Ayers wrote Obama's book?

On this - don't you think that Obama maybe learned to be a better writer? He is a bright man, I think he honed his writing skills during the time frame you and Jack Cashill are indicating, what is so unusual about that? And what is so unusual about picking up writing styles from others, especially when you are still forming your writing style?. I don't think that Obama is an particularly skilled writer, "Dreams from my Father" is a good book, but not great. I actually liked "Faith of My Fathers" better, but McCain had an excellent collaborator in Salter.

So, since all we do here is post stuff from other writers and I guess we don't try to find out maybe what is behind the words... An excellent rebuttal to Cashill's allegations can be found here: I particularly like the injection of 'confirmation bias'. Aren't we all guilty of that?;)

And, I am not going to keep arguing this on two fronts - heck, I know my history, someone lost a war by doing this same thing...:)
Well, Foss, if you look at the byline under "Mark My Word" it reads "Here's what people are reading":p
Guess how I answer that question Foss right now (and I am asked, when you carry around a tome, people want to know)? Since I answer "Unintended Consequences", and even give a tiny explination of what it is about, people might start 'reading' something into that as well.... ;)

Foss - your memory is fading.... from long ago, and in a thread far, far away...

Foss, have you held community board memberships, have you held political office - do you know how often paths cross when you do? Especially when you are dealing with a high profile figure in Chicago education such as Ayers? Here is a man who was voted as Chicago's "Citizen of the Year" for his work in education. My goodness, I would actually have been more surprised if their paths hadn't crossed, considering that education has always been one of the cornerstones of Obama's political platforms.
Then why did Obama's campaign LIE about it?

How many more lies will you put up with?
Foss - that was soooo funny - I love the part where Hannity has to support that his isn't anti-Semitic, and then Hannity and Gibbs start to posture...

HANNITY: I'll make a deal with you. If Barack Obama admits that what he did by sitting on a board with, giving speeches with, having Ayers, going over to Ayers's house...

GIBBS: You'll admit you're anti-Semitic?


So, what exactly are you referring to here in this rather funny crosstalk? Can you point it out for me (again she looks off into the distance with a rather blank look on her face;) )
The part where Gibbs categorically denied that formerly coke-snorting Obama wrote a blurb for Ayers' book.

Bill Burton lied about it too, on another occasion.

Sorry you missed the point of the video. I guess it is hard to keep your attention on the ball when you're a liberal.
Video? Your link sent me to a script...Did you see it?

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