April MI Meet


Well-Known LVC Member
May 15, 2007
Reaction score
Downriver, MI

"Hello to all Michigan chapter members, i am planning a stony creek meet for april 26th which is a Sunday, and 1:00pm in the afternoon, it is going to be in the Eastwood beach parking lot, i am planning on grilling some burgers, maybe some dogs and some brats, i will supply the meat, but i am going to need some volunteers for the other stuff. Hope that everyone can attend this even, we had it a couple years back and it turned out good! i just hope that we can get something going since it has been a while since the Michigan chapter has gotten together for a outdoor meet in a while. and while gas prices are down lets get is goin. hope everyone can join."

Quite a few people from tccoa.com will be going to this meet as well as some crown vic guys and us Lincoln guys have been invited as well. I'm planning on attending.
Why do people assume that everyone knows where a place is? Is Stoney Creek a city? I cant find one in MI if so :(
Cuz most people in MI, at least those within a reasonable distance would know where its at.

No its not a city it is a metro park north of Detroit.
Ah.. I was not picking on you, I know you just copied it.

It would be like me saying the "Fox Valley", most would not know. Drive me nuts! lol
Lol yea, no prob I took no offense.

I'm guessing Fox Valley is in WI somewhere? Haha.
Yup it is! And its not really a valley either, and no foxes. Go figure.
I'll be there, Bill from LOD said he'd come, and possibly one other will be there. Not many but everyone is invited.
I'll be there.I'm driving from southwest corner(SouthHaven area) to the meet,so anyone that would like to caravan along is welcome.:shifty:
Had a decent turn out, and ended up moving to a different location in the park, so sorry if that threw anyone off. Did end up raining a bit but a majority stayed and weathered it out.

^^Picture thread on TCCoA, because I'm to lazy to repost them all.

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