Are cameras the new guns?

I just got a camera ticket for being IN an intersection when it turned red in Philadelphia. They can't give you points because there was no actual person witnessing it, yet they can give a $100 fine. They recently set back the standards from time a car is allowed in the intersection by a tenth or hundreth of a second, and they sent back some ridiculous number of tickets to be refunded, like hundreds of thousands of dollars. :q:q:q:q is completely out of control. Giving out tickets to support more unneeded technology, just snowballs out of control.

This illustrates another one of the problems with laws like these. Police and law enforcement regularly use video and photographic evidence of "offenders."

The same standard should be applied to the police as the public. If the police believe they cannot be recorded on duty without permission, then they need to get the express permission of members of the general public to record "criminal acts."
Of course an opinion is something you lack as the opinion tin man here (so and so from the Wizard of Oz has no heart, or brain or courage or in this case an opinion) so this may be confusing to you when I speak out of school...:p

It is confusing period. I have expressed and explained countless opinions on this forum.

But even assuming your premise is somehow true, how is that, in any way, relevant? What does it matter if I express opinions or not?
It is confusing period. I have expressed and explained countless opinions on this forum.

But even assuming your premise is somehow true, how is that, in any way, relevant? What does it matter if I express opinions or not?

Well an opinion is the view of how you see an issue, person or circumstance.
Your bloodlessness
makes you almost seem like a talking book :D where everything is written.
If you don't have an opinion on something there is really no reason to discuss it.
The only time I've seen some passion from you is when you stated your opinion of Fred Phelps, the military funeral protester.
Well an opinion is the view of how you see an issue, person or circumstance.
Your bloodlessness
makes you almost seem like a talking book :D where everything is written.
If you don't have an opinion on something there is really no reason to discuss it.
The only time I've seen some passion from you is when you stated your opinion of Fred Phelps, the military funeral protester.

Politics is not an area simply for self-expression. It is, frankly, childish to view it that way. Any opinion, by itself, is worthless. What matters is why someone holds that opinion; the thought process (and thus justification) involved.

All to often people don't focus on that. They simply accept an emotionally appealing viewpoint that seems superficially plausible to them and then use any cheap excuse they hear or they can think of to rationalize it. That is why way too many people never get beyond the mere rhetorical level of political discourse and end up arguing past each other.

There are specific, logical rationales for the various viewpoints that simply get overlook. Most any position is logical from that given viewpoint. However, if all you get is mere rhetoric you are unaware of that true rationale. Objectivity and critical thought have absolutely no place.

Besides, you can tell quite a bit about someone in the way the handle a challenge to the justification they give for their viewpoint. If they simply look to dismiss an idea they clearly hadn't considered (or considered a straw man misrepresentation of and refuse to aknowledge that fact), that says quite a bit about a person's lack of honesty or integrity.
Nothing there to get

'04 - wow - I don't think I have gotten the intellectual bankruptcy one yet - tell me what happens when they foreclose ;)

After the foreclosure comes taking possession. There's just a big, echoing, empty room.

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