Audioque amps


Active LVC Member
Mar 6, 2011
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I don't remember who the big proponent of Audioque is here, but is anyone running their amps at a 1 ohm load? If so how stable has it been for you?
Audioque amps run flawlessly at 1ohm.

I run mine at 4ohms because it pushes enough power that i dont need more.
Most likely I will run it at 2 ohm, but I want to make sure I have it available to me is necessary. I don't want to think it is possible and then smoke the amp. I have done that in the past with amps that were supposedly 1 ohm stable.
When you buy an audioque amp you are essentialy buying a rebranded digital designs amp.

Check out the SMD forums if you don't believe me.
Audioque is good isht. I plan on getting a 2200 in the not so distant future.
Black06 is right, these come out of the same buildhouse as DD.

Me and mu buddy returned an AQ amp to their headquarters in Oklahoma City - Which is the same office/warehouse as DD.
AQ are 1 ohm stable as others have stated. They perform great at 1 ohm. Have been running a 2200 at 1 ohm for a few months. No overheating, sometimes a very very slight warm. Almost unnoticable. That's what these amps where designed for, to push big subs to their limit, at 1 ohm.
Another thing to make sure is that you are supplying your amp with the proper voltage. You can buy the most expensive, heavy duty amp available, but if you electical sucks and the amp is seeing less voltage than required, then itll heat up fast and go into protect.

If it is stated as 1 ohm stable and you burnt the crap out of it, it could have been low voltage or a clipped signal which will both lead to heat and protect.

So if you buy a good amp and are afraid to burn it like the ones youve had before, just monitor the voltage and make sure it stays high. Even a good amp like AQ is no match against a crap electrical, clipped signal, or a bad ground.

Im not too sure on the recomended voltages for the amp, but im sure anything under 12 volts is no good for an amp or your alternator. Members like Loud that deal with this everyday can inform you a lot better than any of us.

The lowest ive ran my AQ is 13.7 volts and only during the peaks and ive had nothing but smooth sailing.
no no, that was toward jake, we were talking about it the other night.
Yea, I'm kicking the idea around. Just trying to decide if I want to just put one SA-8D2 where the existing is, or do custom enclosures to house one on either side as well.

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