Auto Insurance What does it cost you?


Dedicated LVC Member
May 5, 2007
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Was wondering what eveyones insurance runs them for their Lincoln. I go with Progressive. I'm 30 with bad credit, and a clean driving record. I need the PIP because my health insurance won't cover vehicle accidendts. Total comes to $931 for 6 months.

My 94 and my 99 Accord run me $140 a month, both full coverage with a $250 deductable
Grundy, $310.00 a year FULL coverage and a 20k payout on the TerminVIIIor and Grundy on the SuperMark for $435.00 a year with a $30k payout.
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i have palisades... honda (liability only) and lincoln mark viii (full coverage ).. 2000 per year with 200 deductible...

but thanx to Geno i just switched the lincoln to Grundy... 173.00 year for FULL COVERAGE.. $10K payout

so now im down to 1000 per year for both... Damn Jersey insurance rates !!
i pay $847 a year for two mark VIII's only me and my wife drive them, both have clean driving records and both have crappy credit. i am with A.I.G
I had to go with Progressive, as they were one of the very few that would insure me on a foreign license. 800 per year for me and wife. (she has lots of points)
Geico insurance -
Full Coverage
$500 Ded ($50 ded comp)
$700 annually
hey Geno, any millage limitations with grundy? and do you set the payout or do you need to get it professionally appraised?
19 y.o. $160 a month from State Farm with the good driver discount and full-time stoodent discount. $500 deductible.
hey Geno, any millage limitations with grundy? and do you set the payout or do you need to get it professionally appraised?

no mileage limit ... you set the amount you insure for... only thing is... youre supposed to have it garaged and only drive it to and from car related events... no errands or daily use.. and you have to have another car for your daily driver
Wow.. its only like 200 a month with me for full coverage on the mark.. but I have a accident only 1 and 1/2 year old.. and a reckless driving.. I was stupid when I was younger.. had a mustang.. so ya.. but only 1 1/2 years left.. the accident will be off.. and like a few months for the reckless to be off.. and i'll be back to full points.. I didn't know credit had to do with insurance.. thats stupid..
Liberty Mutal $1800 a year for modified Full Coverage. The mark is insured to $30,000.
hey Geno, any millage limitations with grundy? and do you set the payout or do you need to get it professionally appraised?

Nope told them up front what i wanted for the T car and they only wanted photos but the SuperMark got appraised for payout.

No mileage either, they are THE best.
Damn Geno, I had to jump through a few hoops for my payout. but at least EVERYTHING is now covered. they just require certification every time I change something.
only thing is... youre supposed to have it garaged and only drive it to and from car related events... no errands or daily use.. and you have to have another car for your daily driver

thats what i mean by millage limitations, and i wanna drive my car to work. and i cant lie about putting 20-25k miles just driving to "car events" :rolleyes:
I pay Progressive $86 dollars a month for liability on my TC, my brother's car and my nephew's Explorer.
One thing everyone needs to keep in mind is the different coverages that are available. Some people might only have their state minimums while others might have a $500K CSL (Combined Single Limit) or more. Other factors that come into play are the Deductibles, PIP (Personal Injury Protection) etc.
$726 for a six month policy. full coverage with a $500 deductable. This is for my 95 Mark VIII & my 2000 Expedition together.

The Mark VIII by itself is $375.20 for six months.

The wheels on both of my vehicles are insured for $1,500 replacement cost as well.

I have Geico.
I pay 170.00 a month 20 years old with clean driving record. but i have 250 dec and hospital coverage. Statefarm looking for something else
my 00 Lincoln ls full coverage with 1000 deductible is 2400 for 6 months, i pay to much.. ugh mi only 19 and had 7 point on my license but now i have 4..

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