Avic411 doesn't help with my lincoln


LVC Member
Nov 18, 2007
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Ft. Riley
I'm only posting this hear because hopefully I can get some help from other lIncoln owners. I've got a 2002 Lincoln LS with the AVIC D3. I tried doing the bypass...I pulled the mute wire (yellow/black wire) out, then put it into the slot right above it's original location. Then I used a wire tap to run the mute wire to another tap that had the parking brake wire(green wire) and the ground wire coming from the Avic. I grounded the wires and it still doesn't work. When I start my car I always get a message that says:
Caution: the system has detected a problem with the connection of the parking brake lead....blah blah blah....
I can watch movies as long as I go under 10. Seriously anybody got any suggestions?
Uhhh, How bout don't watch movies unless you're parked?

Obviously you got the wires hooked up wrong somewhere. Check the wiring diagram for the H/U and put all the wires back where they're supposed to be. I'm not entirely sure how that particular unit works, but usually these things need to receive power from the parking brake switch. I helped a friend of mine wire up one of these a while back and all we did was connect a switched power source to the safety wire.
Check to make sure the mute wire you pulled it securely in place in the slot above. if it isnt secure it will give you that message; i have read that countless times on avic411, also make sure the parking break and the mute wire are both grounded out to the black ground wire of the avic which goes to the chassis ground
Check to make sure the mute wire you pulled it securely in place in the slot above. if it isnt secure it will give you that message; i have read that countless times on avic411, also make sure the parking break and the mute wire are both grounded out to the black ground wire of the avic which goes to the chassis ground


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