Awesome App


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 23, 2012
Reaction score
Tampa Bay
This is an amazing app I've been using for a full month now. It's called FillUp. It keeps track of fuel mileage, fuel cost, fuel cost per mile, etc. Then it compiles them into statistics over specific periods of time. There are plenty of apps that do similar things but what got me about this app was how it can keep track of everything even on partial fills. This little app is actually helping me use less gas because I'm paying attention to it.
This is an amazing app I've been using for a full month now. It's called FillUp. It keeps track of fuel mileage, fuel cost, fuel cost per mile, etc. Then it compiles them into statistics over specific periods of time. There are plenty of apps that do similar things but what got me about this app was how it can keep track of everything even on partial fills. This little app is actually helping me use less gas because I'm paying attention to it.

I grew up figuring my mileage with every fill-up (have done probably less than 5 partials in 40+ years of driving); I even had a booklet in the glove box where I wrote down miles, price per gallon, gallons, date, total cost and where I got the fuel. I quit caring, except for the gee-wiz factor, about 15 years ago. On freeway trips I sometimes balance speed with "economy", but anymore I just don't care. I'm not willing to get into the traffic impeding, selfish hyper-mileing crap that some like to do. I do do the normal things; lift approaching a red, egg between the pedal and my foot (most of the time ;)), etc.
Apps and Eggs, me I just bitch and pay by plastic ... however, these days we are seeing an amazing bit of relief at the pumps, prices are way down.

Filled up DD the other day at 96.4c per litre, was as high as $1.23 this summer.
I grew up figuring my mileage with every fill-up (have done probably less than 5 partials in 40+ years of driving); I even had a booklet in the glove box where I wrote down miles, price per gallon, gallons, date, total cost and where I got the fuel. I quit caring, except for the gee-wiz factor, about 15 years ago. On freeway trips I sometimes balance speed with "economy", but anymore I just don't care. I'm not willing to get into the traffic impeding, selfish hyper-mileing crap that some like to do. I do do the normal things; lift approaching a red, egg between the pedal and my foot (most of the time ;)), etc.
Yeah, I hear ya there. This app is awesome with the partial fill setup. Sometimes I don't want to fill up on certain brands so I just put in a little to get to the preferred brand. I bought some Marathon today for $2.849.

I'd rather not do partials but, when I have to, it's nice to have an app that will keep track of it for you.
This is an amazing app I've been using for a full month now. It's called FillUp. It keeps track of fuel mileage, fuel cost, fuel cost per mile, etc. Then it compiles them into statistics over specific periods of time. There are plenty of apps that do similar things but what got me about this app was how it can keep track of everything even on partial fills. This little app is actually helping me use less gas because I'm paying attention to it.

Interesting, I have been using aCar for several years tracking fuel, repairs, expenses, etc on both my vehicles. Still waiting to see what changes come to it with the first major update after it was bought by some time ago.
I grew up figuring my mileage with every fill-up (have done probably less than 5 partials in 40+ years of driving); I even had a booklet in the glove box where I wrote down miles, price per gallon, gallons, date, total cost and where I got the fuel. I quit caring, except for the gee-wiz factor, about 15 years ago.

My dad had those in our 68 Beetle and 67 Variant. We manually calculated mileage after each fillup. When the mileage started to go down, it was time for a tuneup, usually every 2500 to 3000 miles.
I have a spreadsheet I use in open office for several years now, calculates cost per mile for gas, maintenance as well as purchase price plus an overall cost.
Wow, you guys need stuff for this? I normally calculate it in my head as I head down the road.

Incidentally, 1.99/gal today for 87, 3.25/gal for 91 in Tulsa OK. And it's 20 cents a gallon less in Oklahoma City.
Wow, you guys need stuff for this? I normally calculate it in my head as I head down the road.

Incidentally, 1.99/gal today for 87, 3.25/gal for 91 in Tulsa OK. And it's 20 cents a gallon less in Oklahoma City.

Our COSTCO...... Regular is $2.459 and premium is $2.659. Oh yea...... It rained today and is supposed to rain tomorrow too.
^ you might even need a snow shovel this year Bud, I'm willing to bet money on it.
Wow, you guys need stuff for this? I normally calculate it in my head as I head down the road.

Incidentally, 1.99/gal today for 87, 3.25/gal for 91 in Tulsa OK. And it's 20 cents a gallon less in Oklahoma City.
Man, I don't like that price gouging on the performance cars. $3.25 for premium? I just got some from Sam's Club for $2.72 for premium. Diesel was $3.02! I don't know if I like trading cheap oil for earthquakes. [emoji45]
another awesome APP for android is Torque Pro, if you buy the bluetooth obdi adapter for your car, you can read and log all sorts of telemetry from the car. clears engine codes too.
Man, I don't like that price gouging on the performance cars. $3.25 for premium? I just got some from Sam's Club for $2.72 for premium. Diesel was $3.02! I don't know if I like trading cheap oil for earthquakes. [emoji45]

This is an anomaly.... We're usually in the top 2 or 3 highest price. That's also COSTCO. The others (Shell, Chevron & 76) are $3+ per. The 76 a few miles from my house is $3.399.

Oh yea..... I'll trade a major earthquake every 25-30 years (or more) over annual hurricanes!!!!!

The reason diesel is so high is the diesel infrastructure hasn't changed (much) in 40+ years yet there are many, many more diesel vehicles on the road.
Please elaborate as to what is selfish about hypermiling.

The hypermiling that I have seen and read about involves big safety compromises (to themselves and more importantly to others) and impeding other traffic (causing others to burn more fuel). They do as much coasting as possible, slowing traffic behind them. They avoid the use of brakes as much as possible, so they take some turns too fast and they go through stop signs (and maybe red lights too). To save fuel, they don't run the climate control, so their windows may fog up to where it is hard for them to see, or they are distracted by having to wipe the windshield on the inside frequently. They turn the engine off while going down hill. They accelerate very very slowly, holding others up... That fits with selfish to me.

When driving, I do everything that I can (when possible) so that other drivers do not have to react to me.
^ plus by the time they do make it home like that, they'd maybe saved one dollar in total! (trip from work to home I mean) Hypermiling on a long trip on the hiways, I'm cool with that just keep it in the granny lanes is all I ask. Too slow, they'd get pulled over anyhow.
The hypermiling that I have seen and read about involves big safety compromises (to themselves and more importantly to others) and impeding other traffic (causing others to burn more fuel). They do as much coasting as possible, slowing traffic behind them. They avoid the use of brakes as much as possible, so they take some turns too fast and they go through stop signs (and maybe red lights too). To save fuel, they don't run the climate control, so their windows may fog up to where it is hard for them to see, or they are distracted by having to wipe the windshield on the inside frequently. They turn the engine off while going down hill. They accelerate very very slowly, holding others up... That fits with selfish to me.

When driving, I do everything that I can (when possible) so that other drivers do not have to react to me.

As well as not accelerating to maintain speed uphill or fast enough so only they get through the light. We have two types of Prius drivers around here; the hypermillers and the warp-speeders.
I'm lazy, I just use the car to tell me my MPG. Sure it's not super accurate, but I'm Ok with that.

I've got too much to think about other then what kind of MPG my car is getting beyond what the dash tells me.
I'm lazy, I just use the car to tell me my MPG. Sure it's not super accurate, but I'm Ok with that.

I've got too much to think about other then what kind of MPG my car is getting beyond what the dash tells me.

Yea..... That's what I do anymore. I just don't care enough about that last tenth of an MPG!!!
I've got too much to think about other then what kind of MPG my car is getting beyond what the dash tells me.

exactly. I really can't see the need for being any more accurate than that. if you really need to, hand calculate a couple of times just to see how close it is, but really, it will get the job done.
exactly. I really can't see the need for being any more accurate than that. if you really need to, hand calculate a couple of times just to see how close it is, but really, it will get the job done.
It matters to me when trying to prove a point about my car getting better gas mileage than we typically see on grocery runs. My GF was going on and on about how I waste gas going 5 extra miles on the freeway instead of the straight shot through like 20+ traffic lights. So, we had to go to a funeral 300 miles away in Waycross,GA. I got 25.6mpg on the way and 26.6mpg coming back cruising at 80mph. I might have gotten close to 30mpg if I could have run 70mph. I don't think her little V6 Malibu Maxx would have been able to do that at that speed. That shut her up!

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