Bad Head Gasket?


Active LVC Member
Oct 17, 2004
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I did a routine oil check last Saturday, first thing in the morning. I found a blob of milky white substance on the end of the dipstick, like water in the oil. I am also losing a small amount of water also, but that could easily be from somewhere else as i have water stains all around the waterpump area. Does this sound like potential head gasket failure? or just damp conditions? We have had a real damp spell the last week or so. The last couple of trips i did in the car before saturday were about 10 miles each way, one trip just the night before. I have been checking it daily since and have had no more signs, nor have i found any oil in the water when i peeked inside the radiator.

What do you think guys? should i be worried yet?
Keep an eye on it. The head gaskets don't usually go, but if it starts turning into a milkshake you know it's done.
We've had people think that condensation inside the motor was a result of a blown head gasket. They would pull off the oil cap and there would be a white milky goo on the cap. Real common in the winter when the engines have a tendency to internally collect condensation. May or may not be what you are describing seeing as how it's spring now. I have also seen head gaskets blow. Mine were seeping a bit before I boosted them. LOL, then they went big. Best thing to do is keep a close eye on your oil and check for any coolant smells coming from the exhaust. If still unsure you can take it to your local Ford dealer or other equipped shop and have them run a coolant gas test. They'll stick an trick little tool on the radiator cap and see if any combustion chamber gases are getting in the cooling system.

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