04SCTLS, let me summarize the history and empirical evidence surrounding sex education for you.
Despite the fact that teenage pregnancies, illegitimacy rates, STD's, etc. had been on the decline for
years (decades in most cases), the left manufactured a "crisis" in the mid 1960's as justification for their "solution" of the federal government promoting, mandating and expanding sex education in schools. Advocates promoted sex education as necessary to avoid, "the spiraling rate of venereal diseases, the pregnancies before marriage, the emotionally disastrous results of irresponsible sexual behavior." However, after their "solution" was enacted and expanded, teenage birth rates
despite the skyrocketing abortion rates. Not surprisingly, illegitimacy in general, and various rates of STD's
also rose.
The fact is that, the only benefit served by sex education is in increasing the influence of elites over children; in promoting a collectivist agenda. An article in a publication called the
Journal of School Health characterized sex ed as, "an exciting opportunity to
develop new norms." There is also this passage from an article in the Chicago Sun Times in 1992:
A popular sex instructional program for junior high school students, aged 13 and 14, shows film strips of four naked couples, two homo-sexual and two heterosexual, performing a variety of sexually explicit acts, and teachers are warned with a cautionary note from the sex educators not to show the material to parents or friends: "Many of the materials of this program shown to people outside the context of the program itself can evoke misunderstanding and difficulties.
To think that the left doesn't look at schools as a means to promote their agenda and indoctrinate is to ignore reality. We have kids singing praises to Obama, being made to watch AlGore's propaganda movie, being told that
the Bible is not appropriate reading material for "quiet time", kids being sent home for
drawing Jesus on a crucifix...the list of these type of things is endless.
As to the pattern of (typically) manufacturing a "crisis" and offering a "solution" that ends up making things worse yet conveniently promotes a collectivist agenda in some way, that is also typical of leftist politics. Weather it be sex education, the war on poverty, Medicare, Porkulus or Obamacare, again, the list is endless.