Barack without his teleprompter

Some might say that not voting is both "illogical and irresponsible", they're probably just stupid though.
I'm sure some consider it irresponsible - throwing away a vote, etc. But the nice thing about freedom and citizenship is the option to use my vote in any way I choose. Since the Republican Party and the media chose to take away my vote in the primaries, I'm choosing to take it away from them in the general.
ensuring the worst possible candidate gets the Oval Office chair. Nice rationalization. Cut off your nose to spite your face.:rolleyes:
Hey, McCain doesn't need my vote. He's got La Raza. He called me a racist for opposing his McShamnesty Plan for America. He took away my right to freedom of speech with his campaign finance reform bill. My vote doesn't count anyway. The Dems have Diebold machines and dead people voting for them, so this election is going to be a screw job anyway.
So the premise has now been set-up, if the Dems win, it's because they cheated. Awesome.
I highly doubt it, as anyone can't mess up. We'll see in the debates though.

Also, isn't kind of silly for you to say "look, Obama can't speak well, he's a fool", after you've been alright with 8 years of Bush's atrocious talking blunders?

Just go to YouTube and search for "Obama gaffs" and you find a slew of his mumblings and nonsense--literally. There's one video showing Obama making no sense during one of the democrat debates. And some compare Obama to JFK. What a joke. :D As Larry Holmes once said: He couldn't carry my jock strap--in reference to Rocky Marciano. Likewise, Obama couldn't hold JFK's jock strap--it's all a bunch of liberal propaganda to get Obama elected. :rolleyes:
Then this will surely come out during the debates when all eyes are on him and McCain, he'll be exposed for the stumbling and bumbling fool and the Reps will be that much closer to a victory.

Have to wonder though, why the fear from the Right?
Then this will surely come out during the debates when all eyes are on him and McCain, he'll be exposed for the stumbling and bumbling fool and the Reps will be that much closer to a victory.
And yet you'll still vote for him. :rolleyes:
Funny that you're the one guy (besides Shagdrum) to cry "strawman" at every chance.

My vote isn't 100% concrete, I still have to see who Obama and McCain choose for VP. I'll also be watching the debates.

A guy who has already decided to sit this one out because his savior-candidate didn't make the cut, shouldn't be pointing fingers at the choices of others, just saying. *comfort smilie here*
I said "little experience", not "no experience", it's not like Toby McGuire is running and people are voting for him.

Well, who wouldn't want Spider-Man in office?

Who would be the V.P. on that ticket?
A guy who has already decided to sit this one out because his savior-candidate didn't make the cut, shouldn't be pointing fingers at the choices of others, just saying. *comfort smilie here*
You have no basis whatsoever on which to make that claim. More proof by assertion.

I guarantee you I have spent more time and thought into my decision than you have into yours.

Just saying.
You have no basis whatsoever on which to make that claim. More proof by assertion.

I guarantee you I have spent more time and thought into my decision than you have into yours.

Just saying.

With all your talk/hype of Ron Paul in previous threads, I have a basis for that claim. Oh yes, I do.

Since you guarantee it, okay.
With all your talk/hype of Ron Paul in previous threads, I have a basis for that claim. Oh yes, I do.

Since you guarantee it, okay.
You misread your own post. You said I shouldn't be pointing fingers. I can point fingers all I want, there is no reason I shouldn't. At least I know what my candidate stands for. You have zero clue about Obama.
Sure I did. Do continue to take your shots, while you have the comfort-zone of not voting so you can sit behind your computer and bitch for the next four years, no matter who wins.
Sure I did. Do continue to take your shots, while you have the comfort-zone of not voting so you can sit behind your computer and bitch for the next four years, no matter who wins.
If you truly think I'm comfortable with the prospect of the next four years, you're sadly mistaken.

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