Barry won't release his birth certificate

Isn't this the typical liberal response? You're looking for accomodation while they are looking for annihilation.

Like I've said. Libs just don't get it. They'll get us all killed.

There is either victory or surrender. Sorry, not willing now or ever to accept the surrender part.

The they you refer to are the radical terrorists who are perhaps 10-100,000 people.
The they I was refering to are the other billion+ who we should be courting.
You're right.

S. Korea
South Vietnam
France (once German occupied)
list goes on and on.

Ya, they aren't better places because of democracy.:rolleyes:

I think Obama is the candidate you should support in the Fall Election. You guys seem to think alike.:cool:
Your list does not debunk my point. I said limited government is the key, not democracy.

Please pay attention. You're getting a little like Joey.

Getting a little loose there Bryan. Russia is for all intents and purposes a dictatorship. Germany and France are socialist nations with serious muslim problems. Iraq is not a success yet, by a long shot.

And there is no South Vietnam. :confused:

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