Best of.....Lincoln LS Enthusiasts (Pictures)


LVC Photographer
Sep 8, 2009
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That's right folks. Since many of you have not ventured over to the dark side of the LS Enthusiasts Facebook group I bring to you some moments you just can't miss from the past few weeks.

4-16-2015 9-55-19 PM.png

4-16-2015 9-55-19 PM.png










Every single one of these can win a place in my heart as the most hideous lincolns I've ever seen. maybe the extreme stanced one the most
For once (I think) the stance was actually just broken
Oh my......... Glad I dumped my Facebook account.....
not gonna Lie... a cousin of a good friend just got a 300 and of course it had double deuces on it... and he wanted his whole wheel to light up like those above, so we found some 15" LED rings for around subwoofers, waterproofed them (well the best we could) and then made some brackets to hold them mounted to the brake caliper bolts...

did I think it was cool? not really, but I'm sure cool with the cash in my pocket!!! lol
I'm not sure how that first photo is possible?

Yea since this forum has been slow, the FB page is majorly entertaining. I try to help on there sometimes.
I'm not sure how that first photo is possible?

Yea since this forum has been slow, the FB page is majorly entertaining. I try to help on there sometimes.

Pretty sure the wheel isn't on the car, it's just sitting in front of the wheel and lined up nice for photo purposes.

Also Bull,


You are doing the country a great service with the grade A trolling over there.

I know everyone has their own tastes, but how at the end of the day someone can look back on their car and think that is cool is beyond me! :slam
I don't get it. Why are these threads even being created? This is at least the second one I've seen where threads are created to bash facebook user's LS's. Do we really care that much about them or their cars that you have to create a thread about it? Let them do whatever they want to their cars and get over it.
its all in good fun..... honestly i'll take anything over the " why is my car doing this" bore. Since no ones in the mood to do anything exciting lately, this is all thats left...make fun of the brawndo crowd. (our crops are doomed!)
I don't get it. Why are these threads even being created? This is at least the second one I've seen where threads are created to bash facebook user's LS's. Do we really care that much about them or their cars that you have to create a thread about it? Let them do whatever they want to their cars and get over it.

I am on the same page. This stuff is why I am quickly drifting away from both sites. Why is this any better than the bashing that is done on Facebook? Schmidt, you really should investigate a productive hobby...I mean that honestly.
I rather like the scissor door one, actually...not that I'd spend the $$$$ to do that, however!
I am on the same page. This stuff is why I am quickly drifting away from both sites. Why is this any better than the bashing that is done on Facebook? Schmidt, you really should investigate a productive hobby...I mean that honestly.

I was thinking the same thing before I saw your and jjcool00's post. Who cares. The LS s 9-15 years old now. There are some here who have done worst with the car by just not maintaining it.
think of it as a public service anouncement...

its here to show you exactly what you don't want to do to your LS...

That's no better than the retro Thunderbird group saying white wall tires are the only acceptable mods
Ahhh, there have been some real jacked up LS's here to. Would we like it if another forum, linked the jacked up LS's from here as representing LVC, LS's?
yes, cause then they would all come here to see the carnage themselves. but then after they only see a bunch of beautiful LSs instead of a bunch of bicycle mirrors, they might actually decide that this place is way cooler than where they are getting their LS advice from now...


yes, cause then they would all come here to see the carnage themselves. but then after they only see a bunch of beautiful LSs instead of a bunch of bicycle mirrors, they might actually decide that this place is way cooler than where they are getting their LS advice from now...



Yep. Thats if someone did reach out. But...... that aint what happen now is it? They posted up to down them. This forum has really changed over the years since I 1st joined.
Yep. Thats if someone did reach out. But...... that aint what happen now is it? They posted up to down them. This forum has really changed over the years since I 1st joined.

Several members who cross over to both sides have mentioned LVC, and even provided reference links to threads here to answer their questions. Problem is, they seem to not be bothered enough to come and search all the information here.....Why....

My opinion is that smartphones and the ever growing social media will continue to slow the traffic on traditional forums. I am a member on two other forums for vehicles I own, and also their Facebook similar counterparts. I can tell you this trend for people to use Facebook groups instead of forums has grown over the past couple of years. It's much easier to use, it allows you to tag people and you get simple push notifications instantly about your posts/threads. Also considering there are over 1.39 billion active members monthly on facebook its only natural that car enthusiasts want to use it to share and discuss their passion. The number of posts we see on LVC in a week is roughly what the Facebook crowd generates in a day.

The argument on here used to be that LLSOC was the adults, and LVC was the 'kids' and the rowdy crowd. Looks like we have been replaced

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