Best oil to use

i understand what ur saying about asking a question asking opinions and experiences...but its still a general question about cars as opposed to a specific question about the ls...if it was at least a quesiton about preffered intake models for the ls or even another thread about the exhaust even tho we cover that quesiton about 5 times a week, but no it was about oil...which for most newer cars makes sense to just use synthetics...i mean...i kno some drag cars use regular oil because they only change the oil for that particular it doesnt make sense to run a synthetic...even tho there definitely is a reason to run it even for the quarter mile get what im sayin...i kno not everyone is going to give a crap about cars but i believe its in everyone's best interest to know a little sunthin, even if its to know just enought o not get raped at a pepboys or autozone or sunthin....

I know a little sunthin... That's a craker right? A "little sunthin", I think they're cheddar. Yeah...real crispy. I like them.:)
Yep, I mis-typed one word. Learn what "personified" means you hypocritical mook. :rolleyes:

per·son·i·fy (pr-sn-f)
tr.v. per·son·i·fied, per·son·i·fy·ing, per·son·i·fies
1. To think of or represent (an inanimate object or abstraction) as having personality or the qualities, thoughts, or movements of a living being: "To make history or psychology alive I personify it" (Anaïs Nin).
2. To represent (an object or abstraction) by a human figure.
3. To represent (an abstract quality or idea): This character personifies evil.
4. To be the embodiment or perfect example of....
in our case....
idiot = you
been using Walmart's brand of full synthetic 5w-30 and fram filters since new. Now at 125k and running as smooth as it ever has. 2002 V8 purchased with 4 miles on the odometer

just goes to show you that this car doesnt need i say need rp. i used it in my last car which was an 81 pontiac with 42,000 on the dash and it did nothing for it and did nothing for my lincoln, regular sinthetic if its high milage is just fine i take mine to the dealer and have put in regular oil now, does just fine. ... would do it my self but idont want to deal with the left over oil anymore
this car doesnt need i say need rp.

lol. Just reminded me of foghorn leghorn

Uh I assume your badge is correct

and i kno sum of u wont agree and blah blah i was bein an a$$ but f*ck you who least i kno my oils!!!

I think you know your oils too well based upon the number of times you use a$$ and f*ck

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