I dont have a problem with conservatives. I have a problem with people not acknowledging my opinion. I'm conservative on a few issues. I'm a moderate if i were to be categorized.
Your actions indicate otherwise. You seem to be consistently condescending toward conservative opinion. You have said some things that suggest a leftist sentiment and I have yet to see anything that would suggest a conservative sentiment on anything.
I said most of the fallacies because i wanted you to see that anyone could do it.
Yes, anyone can do it. But that doesn't mean that all claims of fallacious reasoning are equally valid or invalid. I am very specific with what I say. I point out the specific fallacy that the argument is, and generally spell out (or at least link to a source) how the argument is fallacious. I don't simply throw out the accusation as you seem to be implying. But you effectively admitted that is what you were doing.
People mostly come here just to offer their opinion. When its a small, 1 or 2 sentence, silent argument, usually you're on it with some term to cancel their opinion. And foss is there to reiterate it.

This isn't a formal forum, though i know sometimes it would seem like it. And sometimes, it's a good thing.
That is dependent on what the opinion is and how it if worded. Many of the people you see me "target" have a history on this forum that you are clearly unaware of. Also, many, like you, come in here and start condescending to one side or the other, often very ignorant of position they are trashing. I return that condescension in kind. I am only ever mirroring the degree of consideration and/or civility that whoever I am responding to has shown.
I wasn't making a point towards your arguments, i was pointing out how quickly you dismiss these peoples posts (in-turn not contributing), just because they were stating their opinions.
Again, I only approach someone with the same degree of consideration and/or civility they come into this forum with. However, I strive to avoid dishonesty.
I brought this up because i recently saw a lot of "dishonest" responses by you and Foss towards fox.
Like i said, a holier than thou elitist.
From this quote:
I am sure you did. Can you give any proof for that? What is your standard? What characteristics do I exhibit that lead you to reach that conclusion? Or do you simply have a personal issue with me?
Now how is that elitist?
You have your opinion on subjects. It's your opinion for a reason. You think it's the right one. If you didn't think that, it wouldn't be yours. You seem to forget, every time you respond, others have the same.
You don't seem to get this; I only mirror the degree of consideration and/or civility that whoever I am responding to has shown. If they are mischaracterizing what I am saying, that is inherently dishonest and uncivil as well as lacking in consideration; in short, it is very rude. I treat them accordingly.
Also, not all opinions are equal. Some are based in ignorance, some are based in misinformation, some lack critical thinking in their formation, etc, etc. And it varies; any person has many well formed opinions and some not so well formed. I tend to only comment authoritatively on things I know quite a bit about and have spent a great deal of time analyzing. If you read some of my posts in the actual car section of this forum, you will see that I am very deferential because I am not knowledgeable enough to talk authoritatively on a lot of those things.
One of the beautiful things about an honest debate is that people can test their opinions against others and see if there are in flaws in the formation of that opinion. However, when you have people looking to simply condescend to others, or simply attack others they disagree with, there can be no honest debate. Those type of actions should not be tolerated, which is part of why I do what I do.
Typically this makes for a good debate. Unless the other side completely disregards their opinion and presses theirs continually, which is what i constantly see you doing.
You are ignoring the
context of my actions. Look at the actions of the people I am responding to. Again, I am only mirroring the degree of consideration and/or civility that whoever I am responding to has shown.
I like debating because it gets you to think. I like to get inside of peoples heads, and see why they think the way they do. However, if one is arguing with a brick wall, you're not getting much accomplished.
But you come in here and start out by condescending to people and demonizing points of view that you don't disagree with. There can be no honest debate with you at that point. And once you establish a pattern of that type of belligerent behavior, people are going to treat you accordingly.
I agree, but it does show a certain humility, that is not prevalent with an ego.
It can be an indicator. But it is not a requirement. Humility can come in many other forms. And everyone has an ego; it is simply a question of weather it is too big or not.
And, it goes without saying, i could hold off on the "trolling". Except with foss, he deserves it.
I am sure he would say the same thing about you.