Big Brake upgrade

AAAAH, got it. I actually thought you guys thought I was going to use wood. I know my post said final bracket, but I meant it as my design was final, now on to the final one with aluminum.

It's always a smart move to do the mock-up in a material that's cheaper than the final product!
send me the wood ones when your gone... I'll give them a try

where is he going?:shifty:

if he was going to will something to you, wouldn't you rather him will you the aluminum ones?

if you tried the woods ones out, I'm pretty sure you would be gone as well... LOL
Pics of the shop please, wood floors, dust ventilation? WTF Alax let me move in with you.
where is he going?:shifty:

if he was going to will something to you, wouldn't you rather him will you the aluminum ones?

if you tried the woods ones out, I'm pretty sure you would be gone as well... LOL


Pics of the shop please, wood floors, dust ventilation? WTF Alax let me move in with you.

That's just my "tool" room. I kinda moved out with my sister and this is where I would put all my tools as we would work on the house. One thing led to another and one day I just claimed it as my tool room :D
That's not a ventilation system, that's just my little shop vac. I have quite a good amount of tools now. I think I just need a table saw for wood projects, a welder with gas tanks and I would be pretty much set for any project.

send me the wood ones when your gone... I'll give them a try

Getting you aluminum ones wouldn't be too hard in case you would rather get a set of those :lol:
unless I'm there when it happens....:shifty: oh wait...Nevermind

Be careful.......

Be careful.......


Afterwards, the husband didn't want to press charges or anything too.
No, I get the LS when he's GONE!!!

well if i had a boosted LS, it would probably have something to do with my passing (more specifically the lack of a big brake kit lol). and if thats the case, I'm sure the pile of parts they pick up afterwards wouldn't be of much use to anybody...
A little update.

Been busy with a lot of things, so progress has been slow, but I have slowly been upgrading my little mill to make the aluminum parts easier, faster, and have a better finish. The brackets were too big to do in one step with my original set up, I would have to cut one half and them re position the bracket to cut the other side. For the fronts, since its a angled bracket, instead of cutting a block of aluminum until I had the angled bracket left, I bought an angled piece of aluminum that had to be 6''x6" to get the need thickness of 3/4". This was so less material was wasted, but it was mainly that it would take too much time to take off all that material with my old set up. It also made a mess when I was done with my first aluminum front bracket, the chips would fly all over the room.

There were some errors made in first front bracket made out of aluminum, having to re-position the front bracket while cutting made it a challenge, so I decided to upgrade the mill before cutting the final pieces, this was a few months ago. I upgrade the y travel from 3.5 inches to 5 inches of travel by getting a longer base that allowed for more travel, then modified it more to get up to 7 inches. I also bought a longer x table that allowed for more travel, went from 8 inches to 11.8, and again modified the table even more to get 17 inches of travel out of it. I pushed the z column back 2 inches , hence getting the extra 2 inches of y travel previously mentioned, and also raise the z column up 3 inches. I built a flood enclosure, got a big pump and was ready for heavy cuts with flood coolant.

Well my home made power draw bar didn't have enough tension to hold the tools under heavy cuts so my tools were slipping. Also my belt would slip trying to take deeper cuts, it was a pulley that used a v-belt. I had had enough with not having reliable cuts so I upgraded the little 1/2 motor to a 1 hp treadmill motor with an upgraded power supply board as well, I also added a timing pulley to drive the spindle instead of the v pulley set up I previously had that would slip. Next was upgrading the power draw bar, I made taller plates to add more bellevile spring washers and added a larger piston to actuate the lever. This gave me more tension on the tool holders so they would not slip out anymore. Last was tramming everything back which took a little while, the z modification left it out of tram and it took me some work to get everything align when tightening the modifications down.

So basically I cut the aluminum brackets a while back, but it took to long and to make everything easier, I spent a few months upgrading the previously upgraded parts even more to get this little monster that I am pretty happy with now.

Now for the brakes......

I ordered a different hat for the rotor last week with different offset. The first one I bought last year was too shallow and cause the caliper to hit the rim so I had to use a 3.30 mm wheel spacer to clear. I decided I didn't want to use extra hardware, why not make a set up that fits correctly, so this time I measured everything up and I bought a hat with higher offset. Great news, the higher offset allowed for the caliper to clear the wheel and not hit, but the offset turned out to be 3.30 mm to high and it hit on a part of the suspension now. So having barely finished up all the upgrades to the mill last week, I decided to cut the rear of the hat down by 3.30 mm so I could clear the suspension instead of buying another hat, either way they don't make a hat with the proper offset. i cut down the hat and little mill did not disappoint, I was very happy with the results. Flood enclosure, flood coolant and a bigger motor, this thing was cutting deeper than my old set up would which was great to see. I cut the hat, mounted it to the ls, it cleared the suspension on the back side, and the caliper cleared the wheel, great results! So this will be my rear set up now: brembo caliper, wilwood 14" rotor 1.1" thick, no spacers need, perfect fit! My previous rear hat will now be used as my front hat to not let that hat go to waste.

Enough with all the yapping, now for some pics.

The huge piece of aluminum I needed to cut to get the angled front bracket. No enclosure,no flood, just a mist set up which made a mess and took forever to just cut it to size to be able to cut the actual bracket.


The upgrade went from this little gal


To this.... Made a flood enclosure and added the longer y travel base, but I still had the stock motor, weak power draw bar, v-pulley that slipped, stock x table with 8" of travel, stock z travel too.


Finally to big bertha! Its not a big mill but it has come a long way and is more than capable for my projects. This was right before finishing the new flood coolant set up so its a little messy but you get the idea. I also have my own 2 cars garage all to myself which great and I can actually work on my projects with room to spare.


Big bertha churning away, cutting like butter with the flood coolant.


Rear and front set up. The black is just an electro coating they put on for protection. The parts where the pads touch will get grinded down to the metal but the parts that don't will stay black and protected.


Rear set up installed, perfect fit and it fills in the wheels so much better than my dinky stock calipers and rotors. I also order a custom parking brake calipers made for vipers, yes vipers, they will be on the opposite side of the brembo, its just for the parking function, not for braking. These were the only calipers that would open enough to fit my 1.1" rotors, besides maybe brembos calipers but those are like 1100 bucks a pair, no thank you. I guy makes these and a few other custom parts for vipers and some other car that is no longer in production, always glad to help small businesses especially those in the custom parts field.


If you price this whole set up vs other BBK, I estimate about 4k for everything, 2k for fronts and 2k for the rears, which isn't too bad considering stop tech's runs like 2900 for the fronts and 2900 for the rears, that 5800. Its still a lot of money,too much money for most to consider dropping on their ls, but I'm already deep in the hole, whats a little more going to hurt. I know no one will follow with this , but its one more step for my ls to be unique :cool:

More progress to come on the fronts. I also need to design the parking caliper brackets which will use the dust shield mounting location to bolt on. I will post pictures when those arrive next week, I'm very excited to see them.
looks freaking awesome...

now with brakes that big, the next week link will probably be the rubber! time for some supercar tires!
^^^ haven't looked into that, but I can compared sizes and see how they compared to stock. The fronts are bigger sized 4 pot compared to the rear 4 pot.
^^^ haven't looked into that, but I can compared sizes and see how they compared to stock. The fronts are bigger sized 4 pot compared to the rear 4 pot.
hopefully the size difference between the two is just right so that it maintains balance well, you dont want the car having to compensate by overworking the ABS on one of the sets of brakes or the other.
I assume that you are basing your brake bias discussion on stock diameter rotors?
If you are going to a larger diameter rotor, you have to take that into account as well. Also if you increase the piston area too much, your master cylinder may have to be changed to match the increased fluid volume requirements. There are numerous brake bias and sizing calculators on the internet. You should crunch the numbers at least once to get a better feeling for how the ratios change based on various factors.
This is insane. You have a full blown milling machine in your home garage?!

Alax, I admire your craftsmanship and passion.

How is the turbo build/rebuild?
I assume that you are basing your brake bias discussion on stock diameter rotors?
If you are going to a larger diameter rotor, you have to take that into account as well. Also if you increase the piston area too much, your master cylinder may have to be changed to match the increased fluid volume requirements. There are numerous brake bias and sizing calculators on the internet. You should crunch the numbers at least once to get a better feeling for how the ratios change based on various factors.

Rotor size, piston size, pad size, then compare it to the new set up. Thanks for the tips!

I also thought about the master cylinder, but I wanted to make these fit first and then see if the master cylinder needed an upgrade after

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