Bingo! Rush just said it all...

No, that would have been incorrect to.
Historically, the U.S. HAS NOT supported Israel. That's a more recent policy.

It's certainly used as a propaganda tool, just as the Iranian revolution is, but it's a dishonest argument.

Yes, indeed it is used as a propaganda tool, but there is some truth to it too. We have throughout Israel's existence given them much in the way of support, be it through private organizations or international legislation. In fact, United States support for the partition of Palestine was crucial to the adoption of the UN partition plan and to the creation of the state of Israel. President Truman was a big factor in that. Also, we have been instrumental in providing them with much needed intelligence that has given the Israeli's an edge over their aggressive war making Arab neighbors.

Is this the #1 reason that Muslims dislike us so....NO! Is this, as 04 says, the thing that got the whole ball rolling....NO! They, the radical Muslims, and most Middle Eastern Muslims in general, simply despise our way of life. They don't call us the Great Satin for nothing. We are against everything they believe in.
Our current policy toward Israel harms Israel. We give them aid, creating dependence much like our own welfare state. Then we use that leverage to tell them what to do, such as pressuring them to give up land to terrorists. Then we give 3 times as much aid to Israel's enemies.

We don't support Israel IMHO.

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