Black Headlight Sealant

Just hack into it with a dremel! Did it on 5 headlights for my mark, not bad.
lincoln00- That's because I uploaded it like months ago. Sendpace deletes an upload if no one downloads it within a certain amount of time. I can put it up early next week when I get back to my own computer where I have the pdf stored... i think.
I used a 1/8 inch cutoff wheel on a small electric grinder as in pic.
It's quick and makes a nice cut but just be careful not to cut into the bezel when you cut it across the top.
Since you have it apart color paint the bezels.
Use a hot glue gun to spot weld it back together then use PL Premium polyurethane adhesive in a cartridge tube available in the paint section at any Home Depot.
Run a nice bead and use soapy water to smooth it.
Let cure overnight, brushpaint seam black and contact cement the rubber back on.






No, tried getting it when I did mine but no one had it. I even asked ken because he had it but ot anymore.I just did them not knowing how hard it would be but it turned out great.

I took all the pictures in the thread from when I did mine.I cut 7 sets of gen2 headlights, including mine, so I made a video of the last set (Andrizzle's) because I wasn't going to do them anymore.

Keep looking if you really want to use his PDF, but my pictures and a video walk you through it pretty well, well I think so, and I can answer any question you might have.

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