Black is Beautiful

I have come to the conclusion that i have bad taste in wheels. Im going to get the "fugly" mounted and balanced now. All my boys at work said they would look hot so wtf ill try em.
They were about 700$ shipped to my door. They are 18x7.5 Ill post pics tommorow. The place that sold them to me was awesome, the guy felt so bad he messed up my order he was gonna give me just about any rim i wanted. But the ones that got sent look pretty good so ill try them for awhile.
mind sharing where you got them and what the offset is?
Nicelysedated said:
I bought my black LS about a month ago and after debating back and forth about getting chrome or black wheels I finally settled on these black wheels

I think they'll look great. Tell me what you think and if anyone else has black on black post it!!

Oh yeah! Defintely a must have.
here are some rough pics. daylight pics tommorow.


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