Blackie+Snow=COOl shots.


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Southern New Jersey.
Had fun shoveling today. It was beautiful out. Blackie came with me and made for some badassss shots. Check it out.







Wow that cat doesnt look bothered by the snow at all. Usually they run like hell at the slightest hint of moisture. Nice pics!
Thanks Guys.

I shoot with a Nikon D50, this day with a Nikon 55-200 VR Zoom.

Blackie is awesome.

He is a purebred Bombay and he is leash trained and LOVES the Snow, lol.

They are very different from any other cat out there.

He is also 21 lbs!!

Heres 2 shots I took with the same camera and lens. Its a great combo.


Because he saw his shadow I hope this doesn't mean 20 more weeks of snow!! Enough is enough!!!!!!

21lbs, eh? Big cat. Mine has only just cracked 6! :lol:

21lbs, eh? Big cat. Mine has only just cracked 6! :lol:

LOL My Cat angel is 11 years old and 6lbs. She is a purebred Mainecoon (Which are usually a BIG breed) but was born with a Birth Defect that makes her a kitten for life, this is as big as She will ever get. She is awesome. What kind of Cat is yours?

Here She is.


LOL My Cat angel is 11 years old and 6lbs. She is a purebred Mainecoon (Which are usually a BIG breed) but was born with a Birth Defect that makes her a kitten for life, this is as big as She will ever get. She is awesome. What kind of Cat is yours?

Cool, maybe ours will stay small, then. She's just an American Short Hair. Found her living under our deck on 9/11/09, malnourished (weighed 10oz) and needing vet attention.

Day we got her:


And today: (snapped this pic 10 mins ago)

Thanks! I never planned on having a cat, but she's working out OK. She loves our dog, too, which is a bonus.
Cool Pics. Can't have cats my wife has allergies. But here's the good part. When we met I had to quit wearing cologne. That was 81. One of my truck drivers came in one day with LAGERFELD CLASSIC on and she never broke out or swelled up OR ANYTHING. Been wearing it ever since. NOW HERE'S THE REALLY GOOD PART. She's 4' 11" wears 14-16 clothes,,size 5 shoes (kid sizes) NATURAL CURLY HAIR,,allergic to yellow gold,,nail polish,,all that hair stuff,,make up (wears a little lipstick for special occasions). We had 2 KEESHOUNDS (look like wolves) for 15yrs. NO ALLERGIES THERE. Now here's the other good part,,when I could afford a REAL GOOD SET OF RINGS I GOT A DEAL ON A PLATINUM SET. (no gold there) WAIT A MINUTE!! HOLD EVERTHING I DON'T NEED A BUNCH OF MARK GUYS LOOKING MY WIFE OVER!!
Your Blacky looks just like my Boo.

This is his "Get that camera outta my face" look.

Boo 1.jpg
OMG LMAO!! Hes awesome looking. Do you know where you got him? Bombay's are hard to determine but if a Vet knows what they are looking for then you may have a purebred Bombay?

Heres more on the Bombay. Very cool breed.

YouTube- Cats 101: Bombay
Well since we are pimping our pussies here are mine.

My pics suck, cats wouldnt stay still and the camera is slow.

First is Harbl. Yea I named the cat Harbl. She was a little hair ball and my father was going to say "hair ball" when he hiccuped and it came out Harbl so it stuck. :D She has HUGE feet but she stayed very small..... just very heavy.



This is Seven:


And this is my favorite, Dax. She has one hell of a personality and is very lovable. Shes the strongest and fastest plus shes one hell of a hunter. :)


Kitty treat time! Well Harbl steals everyones treats. :(


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