Blackie+Snow=COOl shots.

well, if parading our loved ones
this is fluffy in front, with cutie, and angel from the back

all 3 looking out the patio window(fluffy in middle)

and just angel when she WAS a friend with the dog(uncut min-pin)

all mixed breed long hairs. angel was got 7 years ago as a kitten from a barn cat, and fluffy and cutie took up residence outside where my wife started caring for them. still somewhat skittish even after 4 years. they're still good friends and sleep together often.
angel has extra toes on all feet(polydactyl). she has these large almost snow leopard rear feet, and front paws that looks like she has thumbs.
fluffy is the only male(fixed), so with a wife and daughter, this house is overrun with women.

used have another cat 10 years ago, who still weighed in at 19lbs after his diet. never could get him lighter. he also lived to 19yrs old. sorry, no digital pictures of him.

and finally, my first cat was sugar, who looked similarily like the maine coon, except for white down her stomach and boots.
she used to play fetch and tag with me. had to be put down at 8 from cancer.
I gotta try some daytime shots and lower my ISO and take it off auto focus to see if I can get some decient pics of them.

Its a 10mp camera but it is a point and shoot so if stuff is moving then it sucks and is super slow to "capture" the shot.
good to know your pu55y can handle the cold...I wonder if you can beat foxpaw's though :p
ok so cat pics with crappy camera. heres our 5, yes i said five. all but one is a rescue and my wife is the bleeding heart so you do the math. they are all fairly large

first off is hazzie, she is 10 we believe her to be a good part russian blue shes around 22 lbs and its fat


than theres stone hes 8 or 9 cant remember right now and wife is asleep hes around 8 lbs


than comes graffix and duster, brother and sister. they were bottle fed from birth from wifes stepsister. graffie is the calico around 15 lbs and duster is the orange tabby and around 18 they are 7



than theres phantom......hes a Blue Smoke Norwegian Forest Cat (link: he is also 7 and weighs 28 lbs.


I had a Norwegian Forest Cat growing up. Coolest cat I've ever seen or heard of. Lived to be 18 or 19 years old.
Thats some sweet a$$ pussy you have there Chicken.
thanks i think its like the movie BIG, i wished for a lot of pussy when i was a kid and poof.... lol
I had a Norwegian Forest Cat growing up. Coolest cat I've ever seen or heard of. Lived to be 18 or 19 years old.

thats cool! he is awesome, he talks and plays fetch hopefully my "moose" lives for a long time
I have a couple kitties.
This is "mini moo", she's kinda lazy.


And this is "Mr", I guess he's pretty lazy too...


I've got 2 cats. One is all black, her name is Loki, she's sleek and very shiny and here little brother Max is all black with a little white poof on his neck, just like blackie. They are great cats, both of them have awesome personalities.

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