Blend Door Motor Recommendations


LVC Member
Dec 27, 2016
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I replaced my blend door motor almost exactly 2 years ago only to have it break again recently. Like the previous time, the coupling on the motor split. My question is is there one particular brand of motor (ie., Standard, 4 Seasons, GPD, etc.) that is supposed to be better than the others? I purchased a genuine Motorcraft one the last time around but that one did not appear to last too long. I was wondering if there was any real difference amongst them - I would hate to have to go through this again in another 2 years.

You can wrap the shaft with very thin copper wire and epoxy it on both gen 1&2 marks. The gears inside the gen ones are white nylon and is stripped can be replaced with the heavier black plastic from the twos 97&98, being very careful not to get any lube on the contacts and turn the arm exactly where it was too o clock it correctly. Also the gen2 has a flat r of that can be altered to work better
Most Lincoln forums have the detail Ed info and photos
Thanks for the info! I have a 98 LSC and thought about doing something to reinforce the coupling (zip tie, hose clamp, etc.) but was afraid that would just result in breaking something else that would be even harder to get to.
Welcome to my universe of broken heater blend door motor drive shaft adapters. crappy design has a stress riser-that spot on the adapter piece that always cracks and breaks off.
However, badmouthing the adapter won't make the problem go away. think of it as a symptom of what the root cause is. the doors in the housing that open and close to change the airflow to the heater core have not enough travel and are hitting the housing before the motor drive shuts off. somethings gotta give and that it the weak point (adapter) in the blend door drive train. go to the how too articles mark viii ultimate blend door repair-updated- and observe the mods to the linkage for the bottom and top blend doors.
don't think ford/lincoln is the only one with blend door issues. all the mfgrs using the blend door temperature regulating system is having issues. chrysler, benz, gm, rice, etc. all of them. dodge trucks ford truck are about equal and there is a lot of them out there failing.
think of the warranty costs saved if they had only put the motor drive on the bottom flap where it would be accessible without disassembly of the entire dash.
Yuppers! The ultimate blend door motor tutorial is awesome and does fix the job permanently now. Replaced mine three times and this fix has lasted the longest!

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