Blew up my Eldorado!

sure thing
just one thing
you say its the factory changer and its a 10 disc....
the factory changer thats controled via the factory hu was a 12 disc though...
can i just get pics to be 100% sure
thanks alot man if thats kewl then i can send you the 30 via paypal if that works?
ok, the magazine is at home, I'll count the slots.. I never actually used it but once, and I only put two CD's in there, until i had the pioneer installed
i just wanna make sure man lol
cuz there is a 10 disc chanager my mom has it, but it was a dealer add on and is controled by a fm modulator which i hate
does it look like this?
Kind of, all Delco CD Changers are the same, this was NOT an FM Modulator kind. You pushed the CD button, and selected the options on the screen of the radio.

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