I havent been there in several days to even try to shovel it out. I have been stuck at work. I called my neighbor and he said we got about 30" in the first round and 25" in the second. He said he cant even see the bottom of my first floor windowsProbably going to have to call a snow removal company out to clear a path to my house so I can go home eventually. So it sounds like I'm pretty much fuqked too! Love the patio furniture pics BTW. Looks like you guys got nailed good too
Sonofabitch! Doesnt the freakin weather know I want my caps..... oh, wait. Thats why its snowing so hard. May wanna give up on them and I bet the snow goes away. :lol:
Man that totally sucks. I kept after it all night until 5 am. I shoveled the walk and drive each trip out til 5. TON of salt too. Worked out well.
Now my backyard, thats a mess.
Yeah I really should have conned my neighbor to keep up on it for meI have a pretty nice snow blower he could have borrowed to do his and mine. I honestly thought they were blowing this snow out of proportion and it wouldnt be much. Guess thats what I get for thinking
Do you have any 4wd? or is the wifes Mercedes AWD?