bluejet = Bad Buyer!

Now no one can read the BS. All post deleted. Back on track guys. Sorry, Josh for not catching this sooner. ALL BS post in this topic will be deleted. :D

No worries, I do not get reply notifications for people on my ignore list. Even then, it just kept the information up top on the forum. It reaffirms that moving away from this platform was a good move, though...the childishness washing over this forum is sad.

P.S. - There is still a lot of BS left. ;)
I hope to clean it up. I feel bad for letting get this bad. Guess it's time for me to an "a-hole mod". Put a stop to it. Bad behavior is costing on members in the community.
Guess it's time for me to an "a-hole mod". Put a stop to it. Bad behavior is costing on members in the community.
It is tough, and one of the reasons I stopped moderating on forums years ago. There is a fine line to walk between letting enough go and squelching the nonsense; good luck!

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