Brake Fuild Flush


New LVC Member
Jul 20, 2014
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getting ready to flush the system in about an hour and was curious. I bought lucas synthetic as usual for my flushes but I generally drain the system then bleed out with synthetic. I don't want to drain this system first and haven't tried flushing non synthetic out with synthetic before. will it work fine or will I have a problem mixing the two during the flush? seems to me it will be fine but wanted to ask first.


Wow, would think I could spell fluid by now...
I used a $2 turkey baster to remove as much old fluid as possible from the reservoir, then just filled and bled until clean fluid came out of each corner
I used a $2 turkey baster to remove as much old fluid as possible from the reservoir, then just filled and bled until clean fluid came out of each corner

The rain tonight started just before I did so soaked carport :( . Was thinking the same with a baster and maybe some sort of sponge etc to clean the inside of the reservoir. (I usually just grab another reservoir at the boneyard and clean it ahead of time inside and out) Hoping for sunshine tomorrow so I can get it done and see if it improves the braking action some. On the plus side I did manage to get ABS to kick in on my way back from starbucks on wet roads, just had to find my inner clark kent on the pedal which is waayy too hard.

Thanks for the reply.
You should be fine mixing regular and synthetic as long as they're the same spec (e.g. DOT 3). Different specs, especially DOT 5, don't like to mix.

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