brake problem??


LVC Member
Feb 2, 2007
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hey i just got a steal on a 1995 conti. only has 63,xxx miles on it. there is a problem that i am having that is sorta scaring me though. my brake pedal goes almost to the floor, and when it does grab down there it seems only the right side is braking. i am not driving this car and if i cant figure out what it is im gonna bring it tomy mechanicto fix,just figured id ask for advice here cause i am a DIYer. thanks for any advice in advance!
Yep, aside from checking the fluid. Has the Brake light in the Instrument Cluster Illuminated? Or any other messages like Check Traction Control or ABS come on?

There could be air in you braking system because of low fluid, it could be really low brakes, a slow leak of brakefluid somewhere because of rusted brakes lines, Your disk ( Rotors ) are are probably shot.

And since You beleive it pulls to the right, You might even have a stuck brake caliper. It's a 12 Y.O car so at some point in time they will fail.

These are all my best guesses and I'm sure the problem is with one of these things.

But like JLewisinSyr mentioned, checking the brake fluid is a first. If not it's got to be one of the things I mentioned above.
the brake fluid was really low, i am in the process of adding more right now. with more fluid it in when i am pumping the brakes, there is a hiss,is that normal? both the brake and abs light are on. thanks for the help so far
sorry for the double post but forsome reason i cant editmylast post. just wasout there working on the beast, and realized i have a hole in my brake shes off to the garage on monday. thanks for all the help guys!
Couple of things now. The hiss is the biggest concern. If you here a hiss, it could be either the air still flowing in the brake system Or Ofter there can be a leak somewhere in the brake lines.

If you run low on brake fluid again, then that means you have a leak somewhere.

The ABS light you should check after you rectify the possible leak. That Could be the ABS/Traction control Sensor Mounted on the Brake Calipers. A car at this age is jut lucky to still have them working. They Can be just Defective or just dirty causing them to not acuratly monitor the wheel spin.

The Brake Light comes on when The Brakes and Rotors are really really bad or when There is very low brake Fluid.

If you are handy with car, and know how to do brakes, you can fix every issue yourself with very little money.
yeh i have verified that the hiss noise is a leak in the brake lines. the conti will be going into the shop sometime this week to get that fixed because i have no experience with brake lines. im not all that concerned with the abs light, i dont really care if abs works or not because i actually prefer no abs when i drive, but if it will cause harm then i will get it fixed. thanks again for all the help guys
Sometimes the ABS May activate when It's not needed and it will get annoying sometimes when it kicks in. On Town Cars, I just pull the Fuse

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