Hate to have to tell you this, but "allah akbar" really translates to "our God is Greatest"
Admiral Akbar?...
...."IT'S A TRAP!!!!!"
Hate to have to tell you this, but "allah akbar" really translates to "our God is Greatest"
Legal immigrants are always welcome here!Thanks guys!!! Im officially an immigrant alien! lol. Just got to get my social security number now and get my life back on track. Any life/career advice always welcome!
Ahh...Wrong! Any god that promises 70-whatever virgins for murdering innocent people has nothing to do with God of the Bible.I hate to tell you all, but Aba Father, I AM, and Allah, are all the same GOD.
Need to read more, starting maybe with the Bible.
Ahh...Wrong! Any god that promises 70-whatever virgins for murdering innocent people has nothing to do with God of the Bible.Allah is not God of the Bible. Apparently, you're the one who should start with the Bible.
That is incorrect. If you have ever read the Bible, you would know that there are several different words in the English version used for God, including Lord, Jehovah, LORD, GOD, and God. The differences of capitalization have significance, as each one represents a different name for God. You really should do your research before commenting.Don't be so quick to tell people their wrong, When your quote of the seventy virgins is not quite accurate, I never knew the word "whatever" was in there!
The moment you say "whatever" your saying "I'M NOT SURE"! And if your not sure, "YOU DON'T KNOW"! The word allah is in the bible, Not in todays version.
When it was translated from the original hebrew and Greece there were several words for God, For simplicity sake they used one name "GOD"!
Just as there were several words for love in the original text, Love of family has a different meaning than the love of sex. but they all were translated with the word "LOVE"!
The name "ALLAH" AL- which mean "add to" plus ELOAH which is Hebrew for GOD.
So you see MUSLIMS do warship the same GOD as Christians and Jews!
That is incorrect. If you have ever read the Bible, you would know that there are several different words in the English version used for God, including Lord, Jehovah, LORD, GOD, and God. The differences of capitalization have significance, as each one represents a different name for God. You really should do your research before commenting.
That is a very weak argument, which uses supposition based on poor knowledge of the Bible. "AL" is an Arabic term which you are splicing with a shoddy misrepresentation of the actual word "Elohim" which is Hebrew for God.
Furthermore, there are at least a half dozen examples I can think of off the top of my head where the God of the Bible CANNOT POSSIBLY BE the same God as Allah.
1. The teaching of Mohammed's writings to the children in Islamist countries is similar to "brainwashing" wherein they chant over and over the same indoctrinations. For example, a signal is sounded five times a day for the children to fall on their faces before Allah. This indoctrination continues on into adulthood. Also, the children are taught, among other things, that Israel and the United States are hated "infidels" and that to kill them is pleasing to Allah and an honorable thing to do. Among the Islamic nations war has almost always been a way of life.
God clearly stated in the Bible regarding the Jews that they are HIS people, and He would bless those that bless them and curse those that curse them. Islam teaches that Jews are apes and pigs and should be slaughtered as such.
On the other hand, the teachings of Jesus Christ are based on love for God, for ones neighbors, for self, and even for ones enemies. Children are taught the love of God via the example of His Only Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The free will of the individual is respected even in children. They are taught the way of love and its blessings and the way of hate and selfishness and its consequences, hoping that when the child becomes mature, he or she will "choose" the way of love for their lives. The teachings of the Bible leaves the option of war open, but to be used only for self-defense.
2. Muslim teachings stress that the average person CANNOT know if they have eternal life. The Bible, however, teaches that a person CAN know for sure if they have eternal life.
3. Islam promises an eternal life filled with fornication and homosexuality, and as a general practice encourages such behavior. Mohammed was known for his debauchery. The Bible unequivocally teaches such behavior is sin.
4. Islam teaches that Allah is pleased when muslims strike off the heads of unbelievers, whereas Jesus Christ teaches that Christians are to "teach all nations, baptizing them" rather than killing them. In addition, Jesus taught that we are to love our enemies and pray for them and not to recompense evil for evil.
5. Islam degrades women and children, oppressing the former while sacrificing the younger. Jesus taught men to love their wives as their own bodies. Muslims gladly send their children to suicide bomb Jews and other enemies, whereas Jesus taught that if anyone harmed a child, it would be better for him if "a millstone were hung about his neck and he were cast into the depths of the sea."
6. Allah is the god of submission, whereas the God of the Bible is the God of free will.
Don't be so quick to tell people their wrong, When your quote of the seventy virgins is not quite accurate, I never knew the word "whatever" was in there!
Your full of surprizes not only can you shot them ,But you can pray for their souls as you do it!
This comment:
Plus this comment:
Equals a sarcastic hypocrite. If you want to debate the issue, go for it. But your whiny little sarcastic hyperbole doesn't get you to first base. All it does is make you look more childish than usual.
Is this whole "forum thing" new to you? You seem to jump to conclusions easily, and you also seem excited to get anyone to respond to you. You really have zero idea whether or not I got angry. I'm sure you'd like to think so. If you're going to make an argument, (I say for the second time now) do so. Otherwise quit your blathering.WOW! You got angry..I guess there's more to you than just that kitty..your quite a tigger!..To bad you can't take what you dish out!..You once told me that when I was here longer that I would see how sarcastic you are!..So let me see, It's OK for you to be sacastic but no one else! Know you hert my feelings. I had a nice birthday present picked out for you ,but know I'm taking it back to the store or I'll put the blower in my lincoln!![]()
What a silly statement. How would my "loss" be meaningful if I wasn't aware of it? In other words, if you fail to show me how I'm incorrect, (by the way in this thread you have definitely failed to do so) how do you manage to claim a victory "in reality"? You can rant all day long if you want, but if I'm unconvinced or present sufficient evidence to the contrary then you have not succeeded in "winning" anything.P.S. Don't debate me on biblical history, Because you'd loose! Maybe not in your eyes, But in reality!![]()
Is this whole "forum thing" new to you? You seem to jump to conclusions easily, and you also seem excited to get anyone to respond to you. You really have zero idea whether or not I got angry. I'm sure you'd like to think so. If you're going to make an argument, (I say for the second time now) do so. Otherwise quit your blathering.
What a silly statement. How would my "loss" be meaningful if I wasn't aware of it? In other words, if you fail to show me how I'm incorrect, (by the way in this thread you have definitely failed to do so) how do you manage to claim a victory "in reality"? You can rant all day long if you want, but if I'm unconvinced or present sufficient evidence to the contrary then you have not succeeded in "winning" anything.
But rest assured, if we disagree on Biblical subjects, I will use scripture to back up my statements. I'm not sure you can do that consistently, since you aren't even aware of the different names of God in the Bible.
Run along now, I hear your mommy calling.
I like you more, and more. You not only sound like a conservative(duh), but also a Christian...and a Lincoln owner...how about that!
What utter nonsense. You sound like a typical Lib that can't debate facts, instead resorts to meaningless arguments. I frankly can care less how many virgins a terrorist thinks he gets for blowing up innocent people. My "70-whatever" was meant to be sarcastic.Don't be so quick to tell people their wrong, When your quote of the seventy virgins is not quite accurate, I never knew the word "whatever" was in there!
The moment you say "whatever" your saying "I'M NOT SURE"! And if your not sure, "YOU DON'T KNOW"! The word allah is in the bible, Not in todays version.
When it was translated from the original hebrew and Greece there were several words for God, For simplicity sake they used one name "GOD"!
Just as there were several words for love in the original text, Love of family has a different meaning than the love of sex. but they all were translated with the word "LOVE"!
The name "ALLAH" AL- which mean "add to" plus ELOAH which is Hebrew for GOD.
So you see MUSLIMS do warship the same GOD as Christians and Jews!
Don't be so quick to tell people their wrong, When your quote of the seventy virgins is not quite accurate, I never knew the word "whatever" was in there!
The moment you say "whatever" your saying "I'M NOT SURE"! And if your not sure, "YOU DON'T KNOW"! The word allah is in the bible, Not in todays version.
When it was translated from the original hebrew and Greece there were several words for God, For simplicity sake they used one name "GOD"!
Just as there were several words for love in the original text, Love of family has a different meaning than the love of sex. but they all were translated with the word "LOVE"!
The name "ALLAH" AL- which mean "add to" plus ELOAH which is Hebrew for GOD.
So you see MUSLIMS do warship the same GOD as Christians and Jews!
Quibbling a bit, aren't you, Tommy? You would only be happy with the article if it said "SOME British children...? Isn't that beside the point, which is that school authority should not be forcing certain kinds of religious practices on children without the parents' permission?
First of all I'd like to say you are RIGHT! The word allah Is in the original scriptures of the BIBLE! As a matter of fact it appears about 30 times in the Hebrew text and over 200 time in the Greek text!
HOWEVER! As far as being the name for GOD You are WRONG!
It was used for words such as "OAK" In HEBREW to words like "SAVE" and "BUT" in GREEK! But in none of the 300 uses does it discribe "THE CREATOR GOD THE FATHER" Of the BIBLE.
With the word allah be use so many ways in the old texts I can see how someone can be "LOST IN TRANSLATION"
Now with this out of the way! Lets get back to the original post, the IDIOT TEACHER over stepping her AUTHORITY!
Interesting. You are the only person alive who claims to have read the original scriptures of the Bible. Why, you must put Methuselah to shame. Just how old are you, anyway? And what kind of paper preservative did you use to keep the pages from crumbling? After all, America itself is less than 300 years old and even we have to keep the Declaration of Independence under glass and only let it see light for scheduled times of the day so it won't corrode more than it already has. You should sell your technology to the Smithsonian Institute; I'll bet you could buy a fleet of Lincolns for what you'd get in royalties.
Your argument about the uses of the word God in the Bible is useless because you can't articulate it in an understandable fashion. Is English your second language? Oh, what was I thinking; it must be your third, since OBVIOUSLY Hebrew and Greek are number one and number two, right?
So let me ask you a question: Do you read the Septuagint or do you read the Masoretic text on those ultra-rare occasions when you supposedly read the Bible?