Seeing another Silver Frost in this thread makes me want to paint my own and if it is good enough, not take it to the body shop.
How many of the 12 ounce spray cans would I need for a complete bumper cover and header panel? What would be a good primer color? The bumper is a resprayed gold, and the header panel is a pearl.
I want to do it once, do it right, and for it to look good (like I would be able to tell the difference, but 99% of people wouldn't be able to tell from 5 feet away) and to last.
I plan on prepping the bumper by sanding the existing paint with 320 grit, using an adhesion promoter, a gray primer, sand it with 600 grit, then the color, then clear coat. I am not sure what prep I should do with the header panel. There are a couple rock chips that I would like to fill. i don't have a garage and would be doing it outside, I would have to get out early because we will be in the 100s this week until September.
I can get 6 of the 8 ounce Duplicolor Silver Front aerosol cans for 32 bucks, I also have a couple of other places I would touch up on the car. I am not sure of the quality, and am probably drawn by the quantity