Well-Known LVC Member
True.At least you got the hard part out of the way. Pulling the spark plugs will seem significantly easier after doing the VCGs
I think I have narrowed down the issue. I'm able to use my OBD2 dongle and phone app to read the raw "Mode 6" data, which includes the per-cylinder misfire rate. The data reflects a consistent misfire rate at idle in cylinder 6, and a misfire rate of 0 on all other cylinders. Incidentally, within minutes of starting the car this morning to do this test, the CEL came on with a "cylinder 6 misfire" code.
The misfire rate for cylinder 6 is 6848, which is about 10 times the error threshhold of 644. According to the Ford spec sheet, this 6848 translates to a misfire rate of 0.10272%. Interestingly, this number tends to be lower at higher RPMs, such as when the engine starts and before it settles down to about 800 RPM at idle in park. After letting it settle consistently at 6848, I cleared the DTC, shut down the car, and started it back up again to get a clean reading. It settled at 6848 again.
The first thing I did was to swap the COPs on cylinders 5 and 6, but #6 continued reading 6848 and #5 continued reading 0, so I believe that rules out the COP.
Then I pulled the spark plug on #6. It was gapped narrower than .054" so I gapped it to .054" and reinstalled it. But the misfire rate remained the same. I noticed a small amount of oil in the well, but I think it's more likely residual oil I failed to completely clean out yesterday rather than new oil leaking through the gasket I just replaced.
I tried reseating the COP and the boot several times, and removed most of the dielectric grease from the bottom of the boot and spring just in case it had been inhibiting the connection, but it did not seem to help.
At this point, my next step will be to get a new plug, which would rule out the plug if that doesn't fix it. After that I will have to double check the wire harness to make sure the pins are seated properly and to make sure I did reverse the polarity on that plug. Failing that, I'll have to research other possible causes of consistent misfire.