This is the best short answer that I have seen anywhere on this subject.
Dedicated Enthusiast
Joined: 14 Apr 2004
Posts: 695
Location: Fort Hood, TX
Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:18 pm Post subject:
I know I'm going to get hit with a Scud for this comment, but I must insert a comment on that topic. First, let me stress that I am NOT directing this at anyone here; politics aside, we still are neighbors on this forum, and I will not compromise that.
That said, here goes: The biggest myth about why we went back to Iraq is not so much the existence of WMD, as it is the belief that WMD was the only reason we went back. It was one of the biggest issues, and one that (legitimately at the time) we had to use to press the need to go back and keep our promise to the Iraqis; but it is not the only issue. The way this has been played over and over and over has tried to give the impression that that was the only reason to go, and since we didn't find them, we are criminals for being there.
Saddam violated every UN resolution he agreed to in writing after Gulf War I, starting with trying to assassinate President Bush (arranging the plot makes him just as guilty as if he pulled the trigger himself). Leftists try twisting that into making President Bush a petty person out for a vendetta. Excuse me, but who said that the assassination (or even an attempt) of a U.S. President by a known hostile power is not an act of war? Saddam also misled UN weapon inspectors, then kicked them out, put anti-aircraft weaponry in the no-fly zones that shot at our patrol planes that were legitimately flying UN-approved patrols, kept strike missiles that were outlawed by the UN, made illegal deals with France (and possibly Germany and others, but definitely France) through the UN to build more palaces while his subjects were still living lower-than-ghetto. Any one of those is enough justification. All of them together are enough justification, and I'm proud to have been part of it.
We are guilty of one bad thing with Iraq: We promised them in 1991 we'd help them if they stood up to Saddam. They kept their side of the deal and died for it; it took us twelve years to keep our side. I was there, and I apologized to several Iraqis for that act of laziness on our part. The good thing is that the Iraqis saw that we are, at least, keeping our side of the deal, however late. In that part of the world, honor is highly regarded.
On the WMD issue, no one can convince me he didn't have them. I know what I'd do if I were in his shoes, and if I could think of it, he could. He knew for months we were coming, and it's a big-a$$ desert. We may never find the stuff in that sand. Doesn't mean it's not there.
As for Iran, maybe we'll have to go in, maybe not (pray for not). Maybe the fact we have them surrounded will deter them from trying anything. I know the Iranians want a change, they just don't know how to enact it. North Korea? Japan would probably cremate them before we could move into position.