Bush asked to explain UK war memo

Wow. I had to read this whole thread a few times but I think I've got it.Since Clinton,(and every other president you don't like), lied, did stupid sh*t, bent facts, twisted rules and helped their buisnessmen buddies profit, we have to put up with it from George W. Bush? I say, kiss my ass.
crazyman said:
Wow. I had to read this whole thread a few times but I think I've got it.Since Clinton,(and every other president you don't like), lied, did stupid sh*t, bent facts, twisted rules and helped their buisnessmen buddies profit, we have to put up with it from George W. Bush? I say, kiss my ass.
Get real.

Because we actually have an administration and a President that actually know what the heck they are doing and plan and execute a war, removing a violent dictator and rendering useless the 4th largest army in the world, I (we) should feel bad for doing the right thing. Ya right.

I have read these so-called revelations and there is nothing there. Planning a war takes time to execute properly.

It is indisputable that the only way to have dealt with Saddam was by removing him. Anybody is completely naive if they believe otherwise.

Saddam decided to go back to war as soon as he kicked out the inspectors, fired upon our planes, and ignored every UN sanction he had agreed to.

You know what. Let's put a pussy back into the White House. Let's get our asses kicked. I'm even for a couple million of us dying. That must be the price we will have to pay to get the morons on the left to understand there is a war being waged between good and evil and if you have a problem figuring out who the good guys are, may God have pitty on your soul.
Better a pussy with brains than a bully with balls.

"Worst President Ever" aka "Commander Cuckoo Bananas"

He lied to you too, Bryan.
barry2952 said:
Better a pussy with brains than a bully with balls.

"Worst President Ever" aka "Commander Cuckoo Bananas"

He lied to you too, Bryan.
Show me the lie. Last time you called it bending the truth. Which is it? The truth or a lie?

Somebody better give me the cliff notes version of this controversy because I just don't get it.

We have liberals like Newsweek fabricating stories about the Koran to create uprisings throughout the Arab world with people getting killed because of the 'LIE'. Why aren't you upset about US journalism? And now the left is trying to 'make' a story where none exists as far as I can tell about the planning that went into the 2nd Iraq conflict.

Show me differently. Like I said, I fail to see where the story is here and I certainly do NOT see a lie.

I see Bush pushing Bio-Fuels. I see women getting their first chance to vote in Kuwait. I see Egypt asking the U.S. for patience as they become more democratic. I see the Chinese looking to re-value the Yuan to prevent worldwide tariffs and level the playing field. I see Bill Gates investing millions of dollars to help the poor throughout the world fight off disease. I see Iraq becoming once again a symbol of all that is good in the Muslim world like they were 50 and 500 years ago. As all these changes take place, I see America continuing to be the Fortress of Democracy throughout the world, which is a darn good thing as far as I can see.

"Better a pussy with brains than a bully with balls." BTW, pretty good line. Made me laugh. You must be in a good mood today!

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