RRocket said:
So you're saying it would be OK if your children died fighting in Iraq so that country could be "free"??? Saddam was an oppressor, but many Iraquis say it is worse now than when Saddam was in power, and it this is American freedom, they don't want it...
Alright, first of all you are wrong when you say they dont want freedom, even at the hands of Americans.i dont need to go through this again. This is an immage unfairly presented by the media. Speek with anyone who has been in Iraq since we have gone over there, not just army people, but anyone. That is unless they went over to be an ultra liberal doush, and decided that they could help the peace process themselves.
im saying that, if i had children, yes it would be ok(hell id be damned proud of em), and since i dont...when i finally join the army, yes it would be ok if I died. Again, this may sound harsh to you, but individual humans dont matter in a world scope. and when you say 50,000,000:1600...i say that if i died to free 31,250 people, i know that my life would have been a sucess. Who else could say the same. " Oh, I led a life in the status quo, i had 2.5 children, a wonderful spouce, and i had an suv a minivan, and a lincoln
. Throughout my life, especially in the 60's, i have preached about how we need to do somthing to help the people of the world that are less fortuneate than I, but never did any actions apon it, and opposed anything that tried to do it just because they didnt do somthing how I wanted it done." Because, actions speek louder than words. There is no problem with saying that you dont want you be in, or your loved ones to be in harms way, but to say that everyone must feel the way you do is ludacris. I know that you are thinking, no im not saying that...but yes, yes you are. If you take time and anylize what you are saying, when it all comes down to it, that is indeed what you are saying. And what do we call it when we impose our beliefs on someone, or a group of others.......? Come on, i know someone has the answer...! :soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox: