RRocket said:
Mr. Wilson,
There never were any terrorists in Iraq trying to kill Americans. The Iraqi government themselves never said they wanted to kill Americans. They had no way to even reach America if they felt like killing Americans. No Navy, no Air Force to speak of. There were no WMD (which was the reason George said you guys were going to Iraq, NOT terrorism). Prior to the US being in Iraq, there was no civil unrest, no car bombs, no acts of terrorism. And yes, you have prospered from Iraq oil. All the while, even while Iraq was an enemy of the US, you guys imported, on average 500,000 barrels of oil PER day. Remember, this was even when the US had sanctions on Iraq because they were so evil. Not evil enough to buy oil from though. Since the occupation of Iraq, you guys have imported on average 625,000 barrels per day from Iraq. So please don't tell me oil had nothing to do with it. Iraq was never a threat to the US. EVER. If the US really wanted to invade a country for humanitarian reason, they should have went to Africa, Rwanda, the Congo where MILLIONS of people were murdered. Don't get me wrong..Saddam was an ass, but he was no threat to the US and he wasn't the worst of the worlds tyrants. The US is super friendsly with Saudi Arabia even though they have the worst record human violations in the Middle East. Why? Oil my friend, oil....
Hey, Michael Moore...why don't you tell the whole story. This 500,000 barrels of oil that we imported was actually bought from the United Nations. This was part of the oil-for-food program...a program that was corrupt and mismanaged by the same people you say we should have begged for permission to go into Iraq from. So...I'll say it again. YES OIL WAS A REASON FOR GOING!!! It is in our national interest to secure a source of petroleum.
Here's some real numbers...
From Air Force Magazine:
The US is becoming increasingly dependent on foreign oil, but the biggest
source is not the Middle East.
In 1996, US wells still produced slightly more than half the oil consumed in the US. In 2001, however, imports accounted for 57 percent of US consumption.
The US last year imported $100 billion worth of crude from 97 nations.
Some 47 percent of imports came from the Americas. In fact, Canada—with
$14.5 billion in sales—was the top foreign supplier of oil to the US last year.
Next came Venezuela, from which the US imported $13.3 billion worth of oil.
Saudi Arabia is the third-largest individual supplier of oil to the US, with sales of $12.5 billion last year. The Middle East supplies less than onequarter
of all imports.
Oil is fungible, and any disruption of world supply anywhere would quickly be felt in the global market. Prices would rise as consumers competed for diminished supplies.
Sources: International Trade Administration, DOC and
Energy Information Administration/Petroleum Supply
So, if we were securing oil at a fairly cheap price, and we suddenly decided to rampage through Iraq in a conquest for more oil...why didn't we just go up to Canada. I mean, by your reasoning there should be a coupla thousand troops up there...What's the only difference then...oh yeah, Canada's a friggin democracy... They're part of a civilized world... If we want more oil we just ask...
Wait... I get it... You work for the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) and you're miffed that Iraq is taking away your business... It all makes sense now.