Bush has some skills

just looks like the wmd's were in the wrong country.

yellowcake, and aluminum tubes, and all the other bad(read faked) intelligence to get into iraq. that was the first destination after 9/11, until that didn't work out.
but iran does have a nuclear program. so why not start with them? or syria, since they seem to hold iraq's wmd's?
liberating kuwait was a noble cause. anything after was not necessary.

i commend the few who stand behind your president for this action. just most of the rest of the world views it differently.
He also bought 400 tons of yellowcake uranium because he wanted to make yellow crayola crayons.

So the WMDs were found? Because I'd imagine it isn't easy to hide 400 tons of uranium, nor is it easy to hide it's payment, transport, processing etc.

Yup!! Saddam used poison gas to kill thousands of Kurds.Then he said, 'Wow! That works so good that I'll never use it again!! But he had thousands of shells stockpiled just because he liked the look of them, and labs capable of creating the gas to load them with.

And when he had a facility just about ready to make nuclear weapons, and the Israelis flew a bombing mission and destroyed it, he said, 'Wow, I hadn't better do anything like nukes any more, I might get bombed.' And caravans of the kind of specialized transportation necessary to make nuclear equipment portable were seen by observation satellite to be headed to Syria as we headed for Baghdad. So we didn't find WMDs. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I'd be interested in seeing/reading valid proof of these satallite observations and whatnot. I'd imagine the Bush cabinet would be all over this.

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