You have to excuse Bryan, I think he quit drinking.. Might be a little edgy...
In the fifties, wasn't the nuclear scare over the [god-less] Soviets...
And wasn't it your hero Johhny Kennedy who crapped in his pants when the Soviets put some nukes in Cuba? I remember hearing how Kennedy had prayed to 'god' for devine inspiration on how to handle the situation.In the fifties, wasn't the nuclear scare over the [god-less] Soviets and how they would bring destruction to America/the world? Though I agree with you sometimes, when you go on these religious-inspired rants, it's... its just weird man.
And wasn't it your hero Johhny Kennedy who crapped in his pants when the Soviets put some nukes in Cuba? I remember hearing how Kennedy had prayed to 'god' for devine inspiration on how to handle the situation.
Heck, in the 50's, there was no cold war. That was just a bumper sticker slogan created so the neocons could begin taking away our freedoms.
Hero? I was born in 1973... I wasn't around for the Cuban Missile Crisis; I wasn't even sperm when the "Bay of Pigs" went down. Regardless, it's still quite weird when you go on about religious rants and doomsday prophecies, you're usually level-headed and somewhat logical, even though you're a conservative Rupublican.
Didn't Khrushchev say, and I quote "We will bury you." in regards to America?